Life science industry sets out government wish-list
30 Aug 2017 by Evoluted New Media

The findings of the industry-led Life Sciences Industrial Strategy are set to be published later today.
The findings of the industry-led Life Sciences Industrial Strategy has been published.
Professor Sir John Bell – Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford – has led the development the report outlined the industry’s vision for how government can work alongside the sector to boost businesses. The review, in essence a report to the government from the life sciences sector, will inform the basis of a ‘sector deal’ set out by Government in the coming months.
BioIndustry Association CEO and Life Sciences Industrial Strategy Board member Steve Bates said: “It is fantastic to see the publication of an industrial strategy that can act as a springboard to an early sector deal for the life sciences industry. The BIA has long called for a revived industrial strategy to maintain and build investment into the UK and grow and scale the UK’s innovative bioscience companies.”
In the government’s Industrial Strategy green paper, launched in January, life sciences was one of five sectors tasked with identifying opportunities for how government can support the industry. Sir John Bell conducted a cross-sector review into the long-term future of the industry and his strategy brings together recommendations from a broad range of stakeholders including AstraZeneca, Johnson and Johnson, MSD, GSK, healthcare groups and charities.
Professor Paul Workman, Chief Executive of The Institute of Cancer Research, said: "We’re very pleased to see many of the ICR’s recommendations are reflected in the Life Sciences Industrial Strategy. The fact the life sciences are the first to have an industrial strategy recognises the strength of the sector’s collaborations between industry and academia."
Alongside the publication of the strategy, the government is also expected to announce a new £13m funding competition for a medicines manufacturing centre, a £66m investment in a vaccines development and manufacturing centre, a £30m investment in cell and gene therapy treatment centres, a £12m cell and gene therapy investment in Stevenage and £25m to support SMEs and boost innovation.
The strategy was launched today at Birmingham’s Institute of Translational Medicine by Sir John Bell, alongside Secretary of State for Health Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP and Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Rt Hon Greg Clark MP.