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The Future of Lab Informatics
What will 2025 bring in terms of lab informatics? How will advanced technologies drive new discoveries? Jonathan Gross of Labguru provides some answers…
Seven CERSI centres launched to speed regulatory innovation in UK medicine
Innovate UK has announced seven Centres of Excellence for Regulatory Science and Innovation (CERSIs) to create “safer, faster pathways” for innovative medicines and devices.
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The changing diagnostic testing paradigm
Despite laboratories’ longstanding reliance upon microbial culture for infectious disease identification, the pressures of the pandemic have increased interest in the uses of alternatives, not least …
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The Future of Lab Informatics
What will 2025 bring in terms of lab informatics? How will advanced technologies drive new discoveries? Jonathan Gross of Labguru provides some answers…
Global focus: the key to infectious disease control
President of the International Society for Infectious Diseases, Professor Paul Ananth Tambyah explains to Rachel Sully the importance of recognising, declaring and responding to infectious diseases s…