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Let’s talk about sex, maybe
As the Natural History Museum hosts the first European display of Patagotitan, Brian J Ford revisits his theory, first published a decade ago in Laboratory News, that the clue to the largest dinosaur…

Tooth unlocks mystery of Denisovans in Asia
Denisovans, a sister species of modern human, inhabited Laos by 164-131,000 years with important implications for populations out of Africa and Australia. Now, scientists have linked fossil teeth and…
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Laboratory Management: Monitoring the cold chain
With many COVID vaccines relying on ultra-low temperature storage, Matt Feeny explains why and how automated and ‘in transit’ refrigeration monitoring systems will be essential and beneficial to the …
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Let’s talk about sex, maybe
As the Natural History Museum hosts the first European display of Patagotitan, Brian J Ford revisits his theory, first published a decade ago in Laboratory News, that the clue to the largest dinosaur…