Berry aids brain function improvement
15 Mar 2017 by Evoluted New Media

Concentrated blueberry juice has been found to improve brain function in the elderly, according to scientists at the University of Exeter.
Concentrated blueberry juice has been found to improve brain function in the elderly, according to scientists at the University of Exeter.
Healthy volunteers aged 65-77 that consumed the concentrated juice daily showed positive improvements in cognitive function over a 12 week period. Scientists observed, with the use of an MRI scan, increased blood flow to the brain while the volunteers carried out cognitive tests.
Dr Joanna Bowtell, from the University of Exeter and first author of the study, said: “Our cognitive function tends to decline as we get older, but previous research has shown that cognitive function is better preserved in healthy older adults with a diet rich in plant-based foods. With just 12 weeks of consuming 30ml of concentrated blueberry juice every day, brain blood flow, brain activation and some aspects of working memory were improved in this group of healthy older adults."
Blueberries are rich in flavonoids, which possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 26 adults took part in the study, with 12 given concentrated blueberry juice, and 14 receiving a placebo. Before and after the study a range of cognitive tests were carried out monitoring brain function and resting blood flow measured as well.
The study was published in Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism.