Win! Sensation: The New Science of Physical Intelligence by Thalma Lobel
13 Apr 2015 by Evoluted New Media
Without realising it, every day sensations such as smells, colour, weight and temperature influence your world and your actions.
In Sensation, psychologist Thalma Lobel reveals how cleanliness promotes moral behaviour; how holding something warm is associated with friendliness and how unconsciously height is related with power, weight with importance.
Based on her research and that of other leading researchers, Lobel unravels the mystery behind the psychology of ‘physical intelligence’ for the first time to the general public.
Sensation; The New Science of Physical Intelligence by Thalma Lobel; £12.99 HBK/ £4.79 eBook
To win a copy of Sensation, just send your name, address and organisation/institution to by 30th April 2015.