Inspiring the next generation…how are we doing?
3 Dec 2013 by Evoluted New Media
If you are already a STEMNET ambassador then congratulations – your hard work is really paying off. If not, then perhaps you will be inspired by this independent report into STEMNETS’s programme. Kirsten Bodley Chief Executive of STEMNET tells us why inspiring the next generation of scientists and engineers can not only benefit pupils and teachers, but importantly scientists as well
Educating and inspiring future scientists, engineers and mathematicians is of vital importance to the future of progress and innovation, and it will also play a key role in supporting the UK economy. However, there is currently a deficit in the number of young people choosing to pursue STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) careers; nearly two in five firms (39%) that need employees with STEM skills and knowledge currently have difficulties recruiting staff (source: CBI). Research from the Royal Academy of Engineering suggests that the UK needs to increase the number of STEM graduates by as much as 50% if it is to remain globally competitive.
One way of addressing this shortfall is through doing more to inspire young people in STEM subjects. This is what STEMNET, an independent educational charity, which receives grant funding from government and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, was set up to do.
We do this through our STEM Ambassadors programme, bringing volunteers working in STEM sectors into the classroom to stimulate young minds and enthuse them about STEM subjects and careers; our STEM Clubs, which support teachers in taking pupils beyond the curriculum; and our Schools STEM Advisory Network, providing schools with the help they need to deliver exciting STEM lessons and enrichment projects.
Nine out of ten UK secondary schools engage with STEM Ambassadors at least once a year to enhance enthusiasm and learning in STEM subjects. Over 26,000 STEM Ambassadors and more than 3,000 UK employers support the scheme, and in ten years we have undertaken over 100,000 activities to inspire young people.
The 36% rise in young people taking GCSE science in 2012 (source: STFC) shows that such programmes are effective as part of a nationwide push to drive up numbers of young people studying science, involving government, learned institutes and societies.
Whilst this national trend is vitally important, it is critical that we have focused evaluation of STEMNET’s activities, to ensure the work we are engaged in has the necessary impact. To achieve this we commissioned the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) to evaluate the impact of our programmes.
The results were presented at an event in the House of Commons on 9 October 2013 and were very encouraging – showing a positive impact on pupils, teachers and the employers who allow their staff to volunteer.
100% of schools both highly recommend getting involved with STEMNET’s programmes and feel that STEMNET’s involvement has been of great benefit to their school. Furthermore, almost three quarters (71%) indicated that they will run a STEM Club in future.
The report also showed that pupils are 90% more likely to be interested in continuing to study STEM subjects after engaging with STEM Ambassadors.
The results underlined a positive impact on individuals too. Pupils participating in STEM Clubs or interacting with STEM Ambassadors perceive that their attainment in STEM subjects increases and their enthusiasm for STEM careers rises, while teachers find the support they receive invaluable and reported that links with STEMNET had enhanced their understanding of real world applications of STEM subjects in teaching.
A more in-depth breakdown of the NFER’s findings in relation to the three key audiences which STEMNET aims to have an impact on – pupils, teachers and employers who enable their staff to volunteer – is below.
1. Pupils The NFER report emphasised that involvement in STEM activities impacts very positively in relation to pupils’ attitudes and their own perception of their achievements in, and engagement with, STEM subjects. In the report, teachers listed the top impacts on pupils as:
- Increased awareness of the importance of STEM subjects and real world applications Direct interactions with STEM Ambassadors dispel negative stereotypes and perceptions of people working in STEM sectors. Since taking part in STEMNET’s programmes, pupils know more about why STEM subjects are important for everyday life and their relevance to exciting careers. Understanding the opportunities to work in ‘exciting’ jobs motivates pupils to work hard in relevant subjects and ensure they choose an appropriate course of post-16 study. Indeed, pupils reported to the NFER that they feel they know enough about jobs in STEM to make good decisions and know where to get more information on STEM jobs.
- Increased knowledge and understanding of STEM concepts or topics which can lead to increased engagement Pupils have increased enthusiasm for STEM subjects as a result of their involvement in STEM Clubs, interacting with STEM Ambassadors and other STEM enrichment sessions. They appreciate having time dedicated to exploring and learning through a fun and challenging approach to STEM and also sharing their interest with others. Nine out of ten teachers said that participating in STEM Clubs had increased pupils’ knowledge and understanding of STEM concepts or topics. STEM Clubs are proven to have the ability to engage pupils, regardless of educational attainment and can both introduce new ways for students who struggle with STEM to engage with the subjects, as well as presenting opportunities to stretch gifted pupils.
The NFER report found that the delivery and impact of any STEM activities in schools would have been much more difficult and time-consuming to achieve without engagement with STEMNET’s programmes. Over half (51%) of teachers reported that they had experienced challenges in the wider delivery of STEM enrichment and enhancement activities in their schools. A lack of time was the most widespread challenge faced by these schools, so the extra resource of STEM Ambassadors can be a huge help.
The increase in the provision of STEM enrichment and enhancement activities, resulting from STEMNET programmes, has given STEM subjects an enhanced profile within UK school. All schools taking part in the NFER research said that they feel that STEMNET’s involvement has been of great benefit.
On a personal level, getting involved with STEM Clubs, engaging with STEM Ambassadors and other activities, give teachers continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities. It has also been shown that teachers feel more motivated to teach their STEM subject as a result of their involvement in STEMNET’s programmes, as they are inspired by new ideas for activities.
3. Employers and volunteers STEMNET’s programmes are built on the enthusiasm and dedication of a huge network of individuals and organisations. STEMNET couldn’t succeed without the thousands of volunteers and their employers up and down the UK that pledge their time to supporting our programmes.
Derek Langley, Product Manager at Thales transports young people on a fascinating and inspiring journey around the planets in his ‘Our Tiny World’ astronomy workshops. As well as running these in schools, he has even staged his workshops at the popular Latitude Festival, and it went down a storm. “Being a STEM Ambassador is probably the most satisfying aspect of my career. If anyone is even wondering if it's for them I'd definitely recommend getting in touch with STEMNET or at least checking out the website. Inspiring kids for the future is the pinnacle of what's possible and its tremendous fun too!”
Whilst it is essential for us to have the skills, passion and expertise of individual volunteers, the support of their employers in allowing staff the time to engage with young people is critical. Around 3,000 employers, large and small, are already involved through the STEM Ambassadors Programme, with many more supporting in other ways.
The report identified the rising demand for STEM Ambassadors to take part in careers fairs and to involve more female STEM Ambassadors in delivery of STEM E&E activities. This is something we currently do well, and will further develop through focusing some of our existing work in this area.
For example, GlaxoSmithKline provided a Careers Fair at one of its sites for 100 local GCSE students giving them a chance to learn about job roles across the business and develop practical skills through hands on workshops
More than 330 GE employees volunteer as STEM Ambassadors and they run a number of programmes. Through GirlsGetSET, GE engineers work with girls in schools near their sites. Events include in-school visits introducing different engineering disciplines, design challenges such as making an aircraft at Fleet Air Arm Museum and a daylong competition at GE businesses, including a site tour to see the engineers in action. Older girls participate in industry visits, mentor relationships and work experience opportunities, along with advice on apprenticeships, university applications and contacts with the industry.
The NFER report underlined the impact and effectiveness of STEMNET’s work to date and we will take this learning to develop and enhance our work to inspire and encourage the next generation of scientists, technicians and engineers in the UK.
We always aim to respond positively to feedback from teachers, pupils, volunteers and employers, so we will use the report to make sure that we continue to meet their requirements and enable schools to benefit from involvement in imaginative and inspiring STEM events, locally, regionally and nationally.
More information For more information about STEMNET and the report from the National Foundation for Educational Research, go to:
The Author Kirsten Bodley is Chief Executive of STEMNET