DNA sequencing laboratory to open in London
18 Dec 2009 by Evoluted New Media
GATC Biotech are opening a DNA sequencing laboratory in London and launching an overnight delivery service in 2010.
GATC Biotech are opening a DNA sequencing laboratory in London and launching an overnight delivery service in 2010.
GATC Biotech – a sequencing service provider for industrial and academic research - will open the GATC London Laboratory in the London BioScience Innovation Centre (LBIC), near Imperial College and University College London, on 4th January 2010.
Customers will also benefit from a free courier delivery service and free sample collection with overnight shipment to the GATC London Laboratory. NightXpress – due to launch on 15th February 2010 - will be a 5-to-9 delivery service which aims to reduce delivery times to just 16 hours from sample collection. DNA samples will be collected for free at defined GATC Sample Collections Points from 5pm, and by 9am, DNA sequencing results will be available for downloading.
Peter Pohl, CEO at GATC Biotech said: “With NightXpress we offer the world’s fastest sequencing service. GATC Biotech once again sets new standards by delivering mass customised sequencing services with fastest delivery times.”
NightXpress was originally launched in Germany in 2007. GATC Sample Collection Points will be located in Cambridge, Oxford, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Harwell, London, Liverpool, Leeds, Leicester, Manchester, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dublin.