Is a cup of tea the answer to everything - even anthrax?
14 Apr 2008 by Evoluted New Media

A new study by an international team of researchers has revealed how the humble cup of tea could well be an antidote to Bacillus anthracis – more commonly know as anthrax.
A new study by an international team of researchers has revealed how the humble cup of tea could well be an antidote to Bacillus anthracis – more commonly know as anthrax.
The team of scientists led by Professor Les Baillie from Cardiff University and Doctor Theresa Gallagher of the Biodefense Institute, part of the University of Maryland in the US, have found that the widely-available English Breakfast tea has the potential to inhibit the activity of anthrax, as long as it is black tea.
Professor Baillie said: “Our research sought to determine if English Breakfast tea was more effective than a commercially available American medium roast coffee at killing anthrax. We found that special components in tea such as polyphenols have the ability to inhibit the activity of anthrax quite considerably.”
As a nation, Brits currently drink 165 million cups of tea, and the healing benefits of the nation’s favourite beverage have long been acknowledged. Anthrax - a potentially fatal human disease - is caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. A very serious and rapidly progressing form of the disease occurs when bacterial spores are inhaled making anthrax a potent threat when used as a biological warfare agent.
The research also shows that the addition of whole milk to a standard cup of tea completely inhibited its antibacterial activity against anthrax.
Professor Baillie continued: “I would suggest that in the event that we are faced with a potential bio-terror attack, individuals may want to forgo their dash of milk at least until the situation is under control.
“What’s more, given the ability of tea to bring solace and steady the mind, and to inactivate Bacillus anthracis and its toxin, perhaps the Boston Tea Party was not such a good idea after all.”