Classified report reveals UFO secrets
10 May 2006 by Evoluted New Media
Experts have uncovered a secret Ministry of Defence report concluding that there is no proof of alien life forms
Experts have uncovered a secret Ministry of Defence report concluding that there is no proof of alien life forms
The report – kept secret for six years – suggests that unexplained UFO sightings are caused by “more than one set of weather and electrically charged conditions”. The four-year study then goes on to offer a medical explanation for people that claim to have had a “close encounter”.
The report, officially titled Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) in the UK Air Defence Region, was written by a mysterious, un-named defence intelligence expert between 1996 and 2000 and was unearthed by Dr David Clarke of Sheffield Hallam University.
Dr Clarke said: “This report clears up many of the rumours surrounding UFOs and there is no reason it couldn't have been made public earlier. The fact remains that people are fascinated by the subject of UFOs and the MoD should have learned that 50 years of silence on the subject hasn’t made it go away.”
Close encounter experiences are put down to plasma fields that, the report claims, can cause fake memories of alien encounters. It states: “Local fields of this type have been medically proven to cause responses in the temporal lobes of the human brain. These result in the observer sustaining his or her own vivid, but mainly incorrect, description of what is experienced.”
It is unclear if the MoD is still searching for signs of invading aliens, but it seems that the lack of little green men has put the ministry off. A MoD spokesperson said that: “It is unlikely that we would carry out any future studies.”