I'm greener than you are!
4 Apr 2006 by Evoluted New Media

Is greenness in your genes? A new study by psychologists aims to find out
Is greenness in your genes? A new study by psychologists aims to find out
It will also reveal if people really are friendlier up north - environmentally friendlier that is. It could also reveal which is the greener sex.
The National Environment and Personality Survey has been launched this week by a team in the University of Leicester's School of Psychology.
The study will examine regional and social differences in environmental attitudes and behaviour, with a view to understanding differences in outcome and developing effective interventions. The study will also be used to explore the link between personality and green behaviour.
Adrian White, psychologist and member of the research team, said: “We will assess whether women are more green than men and whether younger people are more environmentally friendly than older people. The results will also show which region in the UK has the most green people.”
The study will also examine whether, at a policy level, the Government's approach to environmental issues is working and whether there are distinct “types” of green. “For example, recyclers who drive high fuel-consumption vehicles, those with energy efficient light bulbs but who take holiday flights every few months. We will identify whether there is one type of “green” or different types,” said White.