Light relief for blues
11 Jan 2006 by Evoluted New Media
A new way to beat the winter blues has been developed with the creation of a ‘Light Lounge’ which could help raise those rather sad serotonin levels
A new way to beat the winter blues has been developed with the creation of a ‘Light Lounge’ which could help raise those rather sad serotonin levels.
The light lounge – installed at The Science Museum’s Dana Centre - will contain four specially designed lightboxes and a circular sofa where visitors can relax and have light treatment in an ambient environment.
The lights raise light intensity levels which are thought to top up Serotonin levels - essential for warding off depression. They also slow the production of Melatonin, the hormone responsible for making us sleepy and animals hibernate.
“SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is believed to be due to the brain and body not getting enough light. To compensate, the body produces more Melatonin, the hormone that makes us sleepy at night. There’s also a reduction of Serotonin, the lack of which causes depression,” said Kat Nilsson, Dana Centre Programmes Manager.
The Light Lounge will be installed in the Dana Centre - the Science Museum’s bar and café renowned for showcasing innovative contemporary science - from Monday 9th until Friday 13th January and will be open from noon-8pm every day.