Microarray dataset publicly available
22 Mar 2005 by Evoluted New Media
A consortium led by LGC has made a large DNA microarray dataset freely available online. This move marks the next phase of the Department of Trade and Industry’s Measurements for Biotechnology (MfB) programme.
A consortium led by LGC has made a large DNA microarray dataset freely available online. This move marks the next phase of the Department of Trade and Industry’s Measurements for Biotechnology (MfB) programme.
The information is available online at ArrayExpress, a leading public repository managed by the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI). DNA microaaray technology has developed since the mid ‘90s into a major tool for the investigation of global gene expression for all aspects of human disease.
Dr Carole Foy of LGCs Bio-Molecular Innovation Group said: “It is a tribute to everyone involved in the consortium…that other scientists and analysts can now access this valuable data.”
Microarray technology is currently being explored for its efficacy in genomic approaches toxicology. As toxicity is still a major cause of failure in clinical trials, there is strong industry interest in improved models for predictive toxicology.
The consortium is made up of the NPL, Human Genome Mapping Project, Oxford Biomedica, Renova and the Royal London Hospital. Data sharing is a primary objective of the Microarray Gene Expression Data (MGED) Society and the repository is stored in accordance with MGED recommendations. The dataset can be accessed at www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress.