Laboratory News Podcast episode #1
18 Jun 2020

How do you record one of the most notoriously shy animals on the planet? Accidentally...
Geophysicist Evgeny Podolskiy was busying himself recording the sounds of glaciers in Greenland when he suddenly realised that he had stumbled on the summering grounds of a population of narwhals.
So began an odyssey in sound featuring social calls, echolocation and hunting clicks - and, amazingly, a local Inuit hunting expedition.
About the Podcast Series
The sharpest thinkers talk science - how it shapes our understanding and how we can improve it.
From narwhal song to Bose-Einstein condensates and from pandemics to artificial intelligence - I track down the most interesting science and talk to those behind the research. I want to explore how science shapes our understanding of the universe around us, the challenges we face as we conduct that science and how we might go about improving it.