AI-enhanced chromatography aims to boost analysis accuracy and speed
30 Sep 2022

Fujitsu has signed a deal with the French firm Phytocontrol to integrate artificial intellegence to offer a faster and more accurate contamination analysis.
The system will provide AI chromatography analysis via the cloud based Fujitsu Computing as a Service (CaaS) system from 2023
Fujitsu said in a statement that the product would accelerate analysis time from the extraction of raw data per sample to the verification of results five-fold while reducing human errors, boosting operational efficiency and accuracy.
Phytocontrol Group founder and CEO Mikael Bresson stated: “We believe that the Fujitsu Computing as a Service is a very good opportunity to speed-up and scale-up our collaboration to grow our business with fast and reliable chromatography analysis using artificial intelligence around the world.”
The initial market for the system will be the food and drink industry where issues of supply chain and ingredient safety have increased notably. A recent World Health Organisation (WHO) study estimating the burden of food-borne disease estimated that some 0.4 million people die annually from the effects of contaminated food.
However, the potential for AI-enhanced chromatography goes far beyond a single sector. Speaking during an interview to be published in the next edition of Laboratory News, a spokesperson at one of the UK’s leading arts institutions welcomed the potential of such innovations.
Dr Austin Nevin, Head of Conservation for the Courtauld Institute of Art, said AI could offer a more sophitsicated level of information from data.
“I think with AI it would be possible to do a more nuanced interpretation of complex chromatograms… AI could become very interesting for us if we were looking at a very complex fragmentation pattern, for example,” he explained.
Fujitsu and Phytocontrol also plan to extend their AI services based on the analysis technology to other global sectors such as healthcare and cosmetics.