Physics journal policy change opens door to original research
11 Jul 2023

One of the UK’s oldest science titles is to start publishing original research for the first time in its 90 year history.
Reports on Progress in Physics has traditionally focused on reviews of research work, charting some of the most important developments in the field. Now it says it will also include original research submissions and provide an open access option for all authors.
Editor-in-Chief Harvard Professor Subir Sachdev commented: "The inclusion of original research as a new option for authors will expand the journal's capacity to offer essential research content to its multidisciplinary audience. The addition of original research will reinforce the journal's reputation as an essential resource for physicists at all stages of their careers."
The title is one of a large number of in-house and contract journals publishing by IOP (Institute of Physics) Publishing. Recently, the firm has embarked on a strategy calculated to tap into the demand among younger scientists for greater opportunities for publishing work and receiving recognition.
Last month the publisher introduced a ‘co-review’ policy for its owned journals, providing the incentive of bylines and public acknowledgement for early career researchers contributing to work.
Dr. Tim Smith, Head of Portfolio Development at IOP Publishing said the aim of the latest initiative was to “modernise the journal while maintaining its core values, ensuring its enduring influence on the field of physics."
In addition, IOP has said it would cover the article publication charges for researchers from low-income and lower-middle-income countries, when their work is accepted in Reports on Progress in Physics.