Data shows higher heart failure death risk for ethnic minorities
3 Jun 2024

Analysis of nearly 17,000 patients’ data reveals ethnic minority patients with heart failure have a much higher risk of death than their white counterparts, claim the authors of British Heart Foundation supported study.
Presented to the British Cardiovascular Society conference in Manchester, the research calculated the risk to be 36 per cent higher than that for white patients after a period averaging of 17 months.
For those suffering from the heart rhythm condition atrial fibrillation the disparity is still greater; after controlling for factors such as age, ethnic minority patients were over twice as likely to die as white patients, said Sebastian Fox and Dr Asgher Champsi, who led the study as part of Professor Dipak Kotecha’s team at the University of Birmingham.
Surprisingly, data analysis from the 12 clinical trials included also showed that while beta blockers reduced deaths in white patients by 30% they were not revealed as a protective effect in ethnic minority heart failure patients.
However, the researchers say, this could be down to a lack of sufficient ethnic minority patient data being included in the analysis. Of the trials analysed, 89% of patients were identified as white, they pointed out. Evidence from other studies suggested ethnic minority patients presented to doctors later, when the condition is more advanced and harder to treat, claimed the researchers.
Co-lead author, final year medical student Fox said: “It is crucial that steps are taken to close this worrying gap in heart failure treatment and outcomes. The most important thing we can do going forward is include more ethnic minority patients in trials of heart failure treatments. We otherwise risk drawing inappropriate conclusions that treatments are equally effective across different ethnicities.
“Another important factor to address is the combination of barriers to healthcare facing ethnic minority patients, resulting in later presentation to a doctor with a more advanced form of heart failure. This in turn is likely to lead to poorer outcomes for these patients.We need to investigate the root causes of these differences and find solutions to potential barriers these groups experience when seeking healthcare.”
Hospitalisation rates also differed and presented much higher in ethnic minority patients. Nearly a third of ethnic minority heart failure patients were hospitalised for cardiovascular problems compared to a quarter of White patients.
Evidence of atrial fibrillation increased the difference still more: 40% of ethnic minority patients hospitalised compared to 30% of white patients.
Dr Sonya Babu-Narayan, associate medical director of the British Heart Foundation and consultant cardiologist, said: “If we are to close this gap, it is vital we gain a better understanding of barriers in accessing care that face those from minority ethnicity backgrounds. It is also important that research is representative of those affected by cardiovascular disease.”