More or Less: Science & Nature Edition scores high on accuracy and fun.
What is More Or Less?
It’s a deck of science and nature questions designed to test both your scientific and general knowledge. There are around 80 cards in the pack which all contain four questions to which the answer is simply ‘more or less’. You can play as individuals with one person acting as the question master, or organise yourselves into teams. One point is awarded for each correct answer and the highest score denotes the winner. Players can decide how long they wish to play (a five card minimum is recommended) – it can be as long as your coffee/lunch break allows! For added difficulty, you could only award points based on the rationale you provide with your answer, in order to eliminate the element of chance.
Is it fun?
As with many quick play games, this is a fun ‘pick up and play’ to test your knowledge or deduction – for example is the top speed of a domestic cat more or less than an elephant? And was the term Biology first used more or less than 500 years ago? Some lighthearted competition is inevitable and you will gain knowledge you didn’t even know you needed to know (an elephant’s skin can be as thick as five smartphones/only 7% of people are left handed).
Is it educational?
Although all cards contain interesting facts, the educational value is more around general knowledge but often can contain some scientific deduction (a fire burning more quickly uphill as it reaches more unburnt fuel). Certain facts however have the potential to stick with you: did you know 50% of pandas are born twins?
A fun game to play when you need a quick ‘brain break’ in the lab with some great facts to show off at the office party… did you know humans share 25% of their DNA with daffodils?
- Age 14+
- 2+ players
- Players designate gameplay time
- More or Less Games
- Dr Louise Robinson is Lecturer in Forensic Biology and Dr Ian Turner an Associate Professor in Learning and Teaching, both work at the University of Derby