Fume cupboard manufacturers now have access to a new airflow controller and monitors with integrated gas sensor, enabling laboratory managers to efficiently monitor carbon filter saturation status and protect operatives against chemical contaminates.
UK-based specialist electronic airflow control and monitor manufacturer and consultant TEL has upgraded its energy-efficient AFA4000/E VAV (variable airflow volume) airflow controller and AFA4000/1 and AFA4000/2 CAV (constant airflow volume) airflow monitors to incorporate an organic vapour type gas sensor.
Carbon filters absorb gaseous chemical contaminates and TEL’s integrated AFA4000/E/GS VAV, AFA4000/1/GS and AFA4000/2/GS CAV solutions enable laboratory managers using filtrated type recirculating fume cupboards, hoods and cabinets to monitor filter saturation status via a dynamic graph.
When saturation occurs, filtration is compromised and gas escapes. The sensor detects breakthrough, triggering an alarm to highlight the urgent need for filter replacement to ensure the respiratory protection of users.
The integrated units also count the filter’s time-run, sounding an alarm when it has fulfilled its manufacturer-designated hours and is due for replacement.
In addition to incorporating the units into cupboards, hoods and cabinets at initial construction stage, manufacturers may retrofit them into any existing equipment, allowing laboratory managers to improve the safety and efficiency of their facilities cost-effectively.
TEL’s director Richard Eady said: “Our AFA4000/E/GS airflow controller and AFA4000/1/GS and AFA4000/2/GS CAV airflow monitors with integrated gas sensors enable laboratory managers to efficiently ensure the respiratory protection of users against dangerous chemical contaminates.”
TEL was established in 1969 and its energy-efficient products are available globally via an international network of distributors.
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