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Lab and fieldwork combine to ensure Beauty moth is a little less rare
An experimental combination of captive breeding and habitat management has seen one of the UK’s rarest moth species more than double its numbers at a key population site.

Lab and fieldwork combine to ensure Beauty moth is a little less rare
An experimental combination of captive breeding and habitat management has seen one of the UK’s rarest moth species more than double its numbers at a key population site.
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How to train your AI microscope
Artificial Intelligence will define the future of microscopy. With increased demand for more powerful image analysis across many highly regulated sectors, Luciano Lucas discusses the need to train AI…
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Culture guffaws: Latin liberties and trends in taxonomy
Latin may have been central to scientific taxonomy for centuries but it’s adapted well to modern influences with often amusing results, demonstrates Professor Brian J Ford...

It’s all just a matter of perception
In anticipation of the announcement of this year’s competition winners, we asked previous winners a bit more about themselves and the process that led to their Olympus Image of the Year light microsc…