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UEA coastal erosion project will test new tech’s predictive powers
One of the counties most at risk from coastal erosion will provide the location for a technologically advanced pilot study to better understand and predict the risks involved.

UEA coastal erosion project will test new tech’s predictive powers
One of the counties most at risk from coastal erosion will provide the location for a technologically advanced pilot study to better understand and predict the risks involved.
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Electron diffraction: A technique suggesting radically new things
Crystallography mainly relies on diffraction techniques and the most recent of them, electron diffraction, is gaining increasing attention. Dr Eric Hovestreydt discusses why nanocrystallography using…
Comment And Analysis

Climate change knowledge cooperative provides simplified research summaries
The Climate Change Knowledge Cooperative provides easy to understand research summaries to help everyone comprehend and act on climate change science. Charlie Rapple outlines how 15 of the world’s la…