All Biology

How moths find their flame - genetics of mate attraction discovered
Added: 14 May 2021
Biologists have discovered the gene controlling the mating preference of male European corn borer m…

3D-printed hydrogels with improved tunable properties
Added: 14 May 2021
The design of 3D-printable seaweed hydrogels that use multiple interpenetrating networks to enable …

Giant sea lizard fossil shows diversity of life before asteroid hit
Added: 14 May 2021
A further species discovery confirms the abundance and diversity of giant marine lizards in the Cre…

Replacing plastics in fibre-based packaging for full recycling
Added: 10 May 2021
New research highlights biodigestible barrier polymers to replace plastics and non-repulpable lamin…

Redefining ‘druggability’ with multi-modal target ID screening
Added: 7 May 2021
As drug discovery demands ever closer analysis to ensure quality and validation of drug targets, Dr…

Learning on the fly: Computer model links insect and mammalian learning
Added: 7 May 2021
Even the humble fruit fly craves a dose of the happy hormone, according to a new study from the Uni…

Texas CRISPR gene editing opens new battlefront against Duchenne MD
Added: 7 May 2021
Thirty five years ago the human gene that causes Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) was discovered. …

COVID-19: Testing times for laboratories
Added: 7 May 2021
Following what may have felt like a slow uptake of voluntary third-party laboratory testing support…

How to keep your research on target
Added: 30 Apr 2021
Is a lack of focus baffling your team? Dr Matthew Partridge recommends setting research goals and s…

COVID lessons to be learned across the cross-channel cultural divide
Added: 29 Apr 2021
Has the cross-channel cultural divide impacted Covid outcomes? Bringing a unique perspective on the…

Trust-based not-for-profit biobank platform will offer left-over biosamples to biotech and Pharma researchers
Added: 28 Apr 2021
Left-over clinical material like blood samples and excised tissue may be medical waste, but it can …

Some like it hot - our May/June issue cover story on thermophiles as biotechnological targets
Added: 28 Apr 2021
Thermophiles are fascinating microorganisms that include fungi, algae, cyanobacteria, and protozoa.…

Declining work-life balance for scientific researchers, survey finds
Added: 27 Apr 2021
Reseachers are generally known for their dedication and the percieved norm is that many work for pa…

Designing healthy diets with mathematical modelling and computer analysis
Added: 22 Apr 2021
When it comes to diets, no one size fits all. Now, researchers have demonstrated a the ability to a…

The Hunger Games: Uncovering the secret of the hunger switch in the brain
Added: 21 Apr 2021
Ever stood at your refridgerator staring into it and wishing you could switch off the hunger pangs …

Innovation roadmap to improve smartphone apps for point-of-care diagnosis and treatment guidance
Added: 19 Apr 2021
A new review paper looks at advanced research in smartphone-based imaging systems for healthcare. T…

Delving deeper into AI and blockchain for healthcare and life sciences
Added: 16 Apr 2021
We are all becoming used to hearing about AI and blockchain, two technology trends that go hand in …

What should the new Advanced Research & Invention Agency look like?
Added: 15 Apr 2021
Following the announcement of the proposed launch of the new Advanced Research & Invention Agency (…

Online airborne fluid modelling tool may help laboratories implement effective COVID health and safety precautions
Added: 14 Apr 2021
A new research project aims to develop an online tool to predict the spread of airborne fluid dropl…

Articulating the earliest true opposed thumb in Earth's history; Monkeydactyl
Added: 13 Apr 2021
The application of micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scanning has enabled digital modelling and …