All Biochemistry

Resistance is rarely futile - reinvigorating the AMR ecosystem
Added: 5 Mar 2021
Might we defeat our oldest enemy in fighting one of the newest? Peter Jackson looks at how lessons …

Unleashing the power of digital image analysis
Added: 1 Mar 2021
The practice of image analysis has been evolving for years, but the UK’s lockdown has hit fast-forw…

Disease Y - Prevention is cheaper than cure
Added: 26 Feb 2021
At an estimated cost of $15 trillion, the financial impact of the current pandemic has rocked the g…

Pandemic prevention: how to fireproof our future - #PandemicsReport
Added: 25 Feb 2021
As we embrace 2021 and the opportunity for a fresh perspective, Matthew Partridge reviews the indep…

Excellent standards drive commercial demand in bioproduction
Added: 22 Feb 2021
Protein biochemist, Dr Bernd Gerhartz, tells the story of how he and his team established a new str…

Unveiling the twist in cell-to-cell signal transport using cryogenic electron microscopy
Added: 18 Feb 2021
It seems chemical signals move through cells in a similarly controlled fashion to shoppers moving t…

“Let’s not wait another 100 years to collaborate” appeals President of The Pistoia Alliance
Added: 16 Feb 2021
The breakthroughs in vaccine development that have been achieved in just ten months clearly demonst…

Scent detection dogs can smell COVID-19
Added: 12 Feb 2021
A promising approach using cleverly trained pooches might bring big, public events back into play! …

Cell shape influences antibiotic resistance
Added: 3 Feb 2021
A broad, curvy shape has a lower surface-to-volume ratio and is less susceptible to surface invasio…

Antibiotic resistance may spread even more easily than expected
Added: 27 Jan 2021
Pathogenic bacteria in humans are developing resistance to antibiotics much faster than expected. N…

Antiviral coating kills viruses and bacteria for product lifetime
Added: 26 Jan 2021
Can you imagine a world where you wouldn't have to worry about disease transmission from surfaces s…

Why cells don't get stuck - generalised cell migration and motility modelled mathematically
Added: 22 Jan 2021
Cell movement has now been mathematically modelled by an interdisciplinary team of theoretical and …

Laser-triggered chemical adhesion for tissue engineering of replacement organs
Added: 19 Jan 2021
Laser-triggered chemical adhesion used to build proteins onto biological polymer scaffolding to bri…

Foundational science of the future
Added: 13 Jan 2021
Traditionally pharma has been focused on developing small molecules and chemicals. Here, David Ferr…

Successful AI and ML framework for repurposing drug candidates
Added: 8 Jan 2021
Researchers apply causal inference theory and deep learning algorithms to sort through confounding …

Nanoparticle drug-delivery system developed to treat brain disorders
Added: 6 Jan 2021
A team of bioengineers has proven a novel system of nanoparticles can successfully carry three time…

To improve reproducibility; look first to pipetting
Added: 4 Jan 2021
With years of experience and expertise with pipettes, Gustavo Chavarria outlines pipetting factors …

Streamlining critical workflows
Added: 4 Jan 2021
Research technician, Yvette Hoade, explains how electronic pipettes and pipetting robots help speed…

RNA molecules are masters of their own destiny
Added: 22 Dec 2020
How does the cell know when to stop transcribing? What is the purpose of noncoding RNAs? Another wi…

Planet Earth: A user’s guide
Added: 4 Dec 2020
In the 2020 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, three expert scientists from different fields wil…