All Quantum Physics
Commercial quanta image sensors - a new era in solid-state imaging
Added: 27 May 2021
Solid-state technology capable of imaging individual photons of light to enable full-speed photon c…
First virtual symposium on quantum technology, semiconductors, and power generation
Added: 24 May 2021
Oxford Instruments plc is pleased to announce its first Virtual Symposium on Quantum Technology, Se…
A novel light harvesting engine strings buckyballs and chromophores on DNA
Added: 26 Feb 2021
Researchers have synthesised a novel type of organic light-harvesting supramolecule by arranging fl…
A world’s first in proton beam research
Added: 4 Feb 2021
Apologies for the newsletter misdirect if you were looking for Biophilic building for human resilie…
Not just a droplet: Explaining one dimensional quantum liquid formation
Added: 22 Jan 2021
A new type of quantum droplet - the most dilute liquids ever experimentally observed - helps unrave…
Let the countdown commence with atomic accuracy
Added: 31 Dec 2020
10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1... Happy New Year!
While the UK looks to Big Ben and the US…
Quantum technology spins into scalability
Added: 11 Dec 2020
A multi-disciplinary team has published proof-of-concept for a powerful and scalable quantum techno…
Graphene researchers throw physics out the window
Added: 16 Nov 2020
A Manchester University graphene research team has just thrown the physics textbook out of the prov…
Scaling up the quantum chip
Added: 16 Jul 2020
MIT researchers have developed a process to manufacture and integrate ‘artificial atoms’, created b…
Kirke teleports from Westeros
Added: 10 Jul 2020
Teleportation is most commonly the stuff of science fiction and, for many, would conjure up the imm…
Is teleportation possible? Yes, in the quantum world
Added: 23 Jun 2020
Last year scientists confirmed that information could be passed between photons on computer chips e…
Physicist creates fifth state of matter from their living room
Added: 22 May 2020
Dr Amruta Gadge from the Quantum Systems and Devices Laboratory successfully created a Bose-Einstei…
Orbitronics: the next step for Moore’s Law?
Added: 19 May 2020
SLAC scientists have broken the link between a quantum material's spin and orbital states, opening …
Higgs Spectroscopy: A new method to measure superconductors
Added: 13 May 2020
From sustainable energy to quantum computers: high-temperature superconductors have the potential t…
Five things you learn from working in cleanrooms
Added: 19 Aug 2019
Want to avoid committing a serious faux pas before you start working in cleanrooms? That would be h…
You are never too successful for lunch
Added: 12 Aug 2019
Everyone knows that the fulcrum around which a successful lab swings is, of course, lunch. But what…
Physicists borrow from social networks
Added: 7 Aug 2019
A new technique treats debris from proton collisions like a social network in order to distinguish …
Quantum microphone measures phonons
Added: 30 Jul 2019
A quantum microphone that measures individual sound particles has the potential to create more comp…
Riverlane raises £3.2M for quantum simulation
Added: 17 Jun 2019
Quantum computer software developer Riverlane has raised £3.25 million in seed funding.
Quantum algorithm reverses qubits
Evoluted New Media | Added: 14 Mar 2019
Russian physicists say they have returned the state of a quantum computer to a fraction of a second…