All Environment

Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite reveals new penguin colonies
Added: 5 Aug 2020
A new study using satellite mapping technology reveals there are nearly 20% more emperor penguin co…

Affordable carbon-loving materials for reduced industrial emissions
Added: 28 Jul 2020
Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tenne…

The truth about turtles
Sarah Lawton | Added: 20 Jul 2020
A research team from Florida State University (FSU) has discovered a world of microscopic life on t…

Supergenes play a larger role in evolution than previously thought
Added: 16 Jul 2020
Massive blocks of genes--inherited together 'plug and play' style--may play a larger role in evolut…

Algae as living biocatalysts for a green industry
Added: 13 Jul 2020
Better still: living algae can be used as biocatalysts for certain substances, and they bring the c…

Extinct Oligocene dolphins were apex predators
Added: 9 Jul 2020
A report in the journal Current Biology, offers a detailed description of the first nearly complete…

Scientists and policy experts raise COVID-19 and climate crises analogues
Added: 8 Jul 2020
Epidemiologists highlighted the dangers of COVID-19 in its early stages, but their warnings went la…

COVID-19 Earth observation dashboard
Added: 25 Jun 2020
In response to the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, NASA, ESA (European Space Agency), and J…

New antiviral technology supports reusable COVID-19 facemasks
Added: 25 Jun 2020
Researchers from Freie Universität Berlin and ITA RWTH Aachen, two of the most recognised academic …

The many lifetimes of plastics
Added: 16 Jun 2020
Infographics strive to give us a sense of how long plastic goods will last in the environment but i…

Webinar: Accepting animal-free bacterial endotoxin testing
Added: 15 Jun 2020
European, US, Japanese and Chinese pharmacopeia will include a synthetic substitute for horseshoe c…

Survival of coronavirus in different cities, on different surfaces
Added: 11 Jun 2020
One of the many questions researchers have about COVID-19 is how long the coronavirus causing the d…

Researchers uncover a world of life on the back of a turtle
Added: 4 Jun 2020
Much to the delight of all Hindu’s and fans of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels, researchers have…

Viable sodium-ion battery for sustainable energy storage
Added: 3 Jun 2020
Washington State University (WSU) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) researchers have…

Oil-hungry smart sponge could restore our oceans
Added: 2 Jun 2020
A Northwestern University-led team has developed a highly porous smart sponge that selectively soak…

Deep earthquake simulation may unravel geophysical mystery (video)
Added: 29 May 2020
New computer modeling by Magali Billen, professor of earth and planetary sciences at UC Davis, offe…

Plastic-eating superworms host biodegrading gut bacteria
Added: 29 May 2020
Resembling giant mealworms, superworms (Zophobas atratus) are beetle larvae that are often sold in …

Illegal wildlife trading threatens all creatures great and small
Added: 29 May 2020
Besides being a major threat to biodiversity, the wildlife trade can be a cause of global public he…

Listen to the song of the Arctic unicorn (video)
Added: 27 May 2020
With the help of Inuit hunters, geophysicists recently recorded the various calls, buzzes, clicks a…

Will our climate bounce back as a result of the COVID-19 lockdown?
Added: 20 May 2020
Stanford research study envisions energy and environment landscape after COVID-19, pinpointing redu…