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‘Robocarp’ makes splash with motion breakthrough
Added: 28 Apr 2023
A coil-powered robot fish designed by scientists at the University of Bristol could enhance underwa…

How can mental health professionals open their minds to psychosis?
Added: 27 May 2022
Effective clinical care for patients with psychosis means understanding the ‘lived experience’ of t…

Scientists announce comprehensive regional diagnostic of microbial ocean life using DNA testing
Added: 4 May 2022
Scientists announce comprehensive regional diagnostic of microbial ocean life using DNA testing. La…

Breakthrough technique set to improve robotic cancer surgery
Added: 18 Feb 2022
The National Robotarium has received funds to develop a method to remove the margin of error for su…

BioTrinity 2022: Catalysing growth in the life sciences industry
Added: 10 Feb 2022
Life Science professionals are invited to attend BioTrinity 2022. A face-to-face event, taking plac…

Shedding light on how to increase UK crop yields
Added: 31 Jan 2022
Recent events has demonstrated the need to increase the UK's national food harvest and build relien…

Monitoring DNA in air samples could revolutionise biomonitoring
Added: 10 Jan 2022
DNA from air could revolutionise the way we measure animal biodiversity, say scientists. Two resear…

New microscope uses photonics to gain insights into ‘superbugs’
Added: 25 Nov 2021
Scientists are building a new super-resolution microscope that uses laser light to study the inner …

Olympus Image of the Year Award 2021
Added: 4 Nov 2021
Olympus has just launched its third Image of the Year contest and is accepting entries. Each year, …

Shape-shifting worm blob model could inspire future robot swarms
Added: 26 Oct 2021
Lumbriculus variegatus blackworms can aggregate into ‘blobs’ capable of collective movement. Resear…

Fitness beats weight loss for obesity-related health conditions
Added: 22 Sep 2021
New research finds that increasing physical activity and improving fitness appear to be superior to…

Electron microscopy just became a thousand times more efficient
Added: 3 Jun 2021
Imaging a million samples a second to make electron microscopy a thousand times more efficient, the…

Staying ahead of the bacteria: A new weapon in the anti-bacterial arms race
Added: 1 Jun 2021
In the perpetual arms races between bacteria and human-made antibiotics, there is a new tool to giv…

UKRI funding to bring the public into the heart of five research projects
Added: 27 May 2021
UK Research and Innovation is encouraging people from across the UK to actively contribute to five …

Designing healthy diets with mathematical modelling and computer analysis
Added: 22 Apr 2021
When it comes to diets, no one size fits all. Now, researchers have demonstrated a the ability to a…

Making music with spiders webs and talking arachnid: discover more at ACS Spring 2021
Added: 12 Apr 2021
Imagine being able to talk to spiders in their own language! Scientists report that they have trans…

Tracking mosquito flight patterns in 3D using digital holography and mathematics
Added: 12 Mar 2021
Researchers have been asked to use large field-of-view digital holography to accurately apply 3D tr…

Mapping neural dynamics: Making sense of mass neuron-generated data
Added: 19 Feb 2021
How do animals process information and adapt to environmental change? New research applies AI drive…

Unveiling the twist in cell-to-cell signal transport using cryogenic electron microscopy
Added: 18 Feb 2021
It seems chemical signals move through cells in a similarly controlled fashion to shoppers moving t…

Robotic exoskeleton training expands options for stroke rehabilitation
Added: 2 Feb 2021
It must be hard enough to recover from an acute stroke, but many find the physical taxation of reha…