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Technological research and development in agritech
Added: 4 Mar 2022
It is increasingly important for agricultural research to raise awareness of conditions leading to …

Shedding light on how to increase UK crop yields
Added: 31 Jan 2022
Recent events has demonstrated the need to increase the UK's national food harvest and build relien…

Monitoring DNA in air samples could revolutionise biomonitoring
Added: 10 Jan 2022
DNA from air could revolutionise the way we measure animal biodiversity, say scientists. Two resear…

New microscope uses photonics to gain insights into ‘superbugs’
Added: 25 Nov 2021
Scientists are building a new super-resolution microscope that uses laser light to study the inner …

Olympus Image of the Year Award 2021
Added: 4 Nov 2021
Olympus has just launched its third Image of the Year contest and is accepting entries. Each year, …

Sustainable vertical farming meets personalised nutrition
Added: 13 Sep 2021
A new project is set to bring sustainable vertical farming and personalised nutrition into the home…

UKRI funding to bring the public into the heart of five research projects
Added: 27 May 2021
UK Research and Innovation is encouraging people from across the UK to actively contribute to five …

The first frost is the deepest - understanding the biochemical flowering brake in plants
Added: 17 May 2021
The first frost of autumn may be grim for gardeners but the latest evidence reveals it is a profoun…

How moths find their flame - genetics of mate attraction discovered
Added: 14 May 2021
Biologists have discovered the gene controlling the mating preference of male European corn borer m…

Learning on the fly: Computer model links insect and mammalian learning
Added: 7 May 2021
Even the humble fruit fly craves a dose of the happy hormone, according to a new study from the Uni…

Making music with spiders webs and talking arachnid: discover more at ACS Spring 2021
Added: 12 Apr 2021
Imagine being able to talk to spiders in their own language! Scientists report that they have trans…

Tracking mosquito flight patterns in 3D using digital holography and mathematics
Added: 12 Mar 2021
Researchers have been asked to use large field-of-view digital holography to accurately apply 3D tr…

Crowd research recovers biodiversity as 17 previously lost plant species are rehabilitated
Added: 9 Mar 2021
Imagine rediscovering not one, but seventeen species that had been designated as extinct? A well or…

Vital biodiversity collections face drop in specimen deposits
Added: 1 Jan 2021
Kansas researchers argue that expanded biodiversity infrastructure will be an essential front line …

Self-watering soil could transform farming
Added: 9 Nov 2020
They say water is set to become more valuable than oil, with water scarcity becoming one of the mos…

Machine Learning provides insight into cannabis strains
Added: 30 Sep 2020
Cannabis data lacking, but machine learning could help
THC and CBD; Anyone who has used, sold, stu…

Cannabis use for menopause symptom management
Added: 29 Sep 2020
As legislation relaxes regarding cannabis, it is being used to manage numerous chronic health condi…

Fungus leather: new front-runner for sustainable clothing material
Added: 9 Sep 2020
In a new review paper by the University of Vienna, Imperial College London, and RMIT University in …

Biomimicry informs better sensors: just add noise
Added: 4 Sep 2020
Adding noise to enhance a weak signal is a sensing phenomenon common in the animal world but unusua…

Elastic to kinetic energy conversion through biomimicry
Added: 4 Sep 2020
Venus flytraps do it, trap-jaw ants do it, and now materials scientists at the University of Massac…