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Antiviral coating kills viruses and bacteria for product lifetime
Added: 26 Jan 2021
Can you imagine a world where you wouldn't have to worry about disease transmission from surfaces s…

Developing multi-functional catalysts with light switches
Added: 25 Jan 2021
Researchers were able to observe the atomic-scale features of a catalyst using an environmental tra…

Long-life, long-range, rapid recharging, affordable electric car battery
Added: 21 Jan 2021
Go from zero to 60 miles per hour in 3 seconds and drive like a Porsche... Electric car batteries t…

Laser-triggered chemical adhesion for tissue engineering of replacement organs
Added: 19 Jan 2021
Laser-triggered chemical adhesion used to build proteins onto biological polymer scaffolding to bri…

Uncovering the magic of metallographic Turing pattern formation
Added: 19 Jan 2021
While we have become used to seeing stripes and spots in nature, it still seems amazing to see simi…

Avalanching nanoparticles observed - a potentially significant step in technological transformation
Added: 14 Jan 2021
Columbia engineers are the first to have observed avalanches in nanoparticles. Following in the foo…

How to grow your own smart materials with live fermentation cultures
Added: 12 Jan 2021
Have you ever made your own soda bread or homemade yoghurt using a fermented 'starter culture'? Ima…

Nanoparticle drug-delivery system developed to treat brain disorders
Added: 6 Jan 2021
A team of bioengineers has proven a novel system of nanoparticles can successfully carry three time…

Science priorities agreed for 2024 lunar exploration
Added: 9 Dec 2020
Planetary processes and polar resource potential prioritised by lunar science team. Researchers pre…

Call for entries: Long COVID co-created science and art installation
Added: 3 Dec 2020
"The stories we tell matter." Relational Space
Are you willing to 'fearlessly explore' the impact …

Graphene researchers throw physics out the window
Added: 16 Nov 2020
A Manchester University graphene research team has just thrown the physics textbook out of the prov…

A step towards an environmentally friendly Lithium ion battery
Added: 13 Nov 2020
We all love the idea of an electric car and Elon Musk's Tesla is almost accessible to even a poorly…

Self-watering soil could transform farming
Added: 9 Nov 2020
They say water is set to become more valuable than oil, with water scarcity becoming one of the mos…

Malaria test as simple as a bandage
Added: 5 Nov 2020
Testing for malaria could become as simple as putting on a bandage. That's the idea behind a platfo…

Science and scientists held in high esteem across the globe
Added: 1 Oct 2020
As the world looks to scientists and the research and development process to bring new treatments a…

Multishot lens-free imaging could aid disease diagnosis
Added: 24 Sep 2020
A new type of imaging that does not require a lens and uses reconfigurable particle-based masks to …

Single-step 3D printing multimaterial microstructures
Added: 17 Sep 2020
Researchers have developed an automated 3D printing method that can produce multicolour 3D microstr…

Plant-based supercapacitor delivers 900 x energy efficiency
Added: 11 Sep 2020
In a new study, researchers at Texas A&M University have described their novel plant-based energy s…

Environmentally friendly silicon recycling
Added: 10 Sep 2020
Skoltech scientists and their colleagues from Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) have develope…

Fungus leather: new front-runner for sustainable clothing material
Added: 9 Sep 2020
In a new review paper by the University of Vienna, Imperial College London, and RMIT University in …