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Young galaxy is surprisingly efficient star-factory
Evoluted New Media | Added: 13 May 2013
Astronomers have discovered an extremely distant galaxy that has one of the largest star-formation …
Primordial soup secret revealed
Evoluted New Media | Added: 10 May 2013
Scientists may have cracked a common conundrum about how objects from space could have kindled life…
Ring rain influences Saturn’s atmosphere
Evoluted New Media | Added: 8 May 2013
Saturn’s atmosphere is home to more charged water particle “rain” than previously thought suggests …
A scaled-up solar system
Evoluted New Media | Added: 17 Apr 2013
A team of astrophysicists have made the most detailed examination yet of the atmosphere of a Jupite…
Gravity affects sex in plants
Evoluted New Media | Added: 12 Apr 2013
Changes in gravity affect reproduction in plants, reveals a University of Montreal study. Their fin…
World’s saltiest pond suggests water on Mars
Evoluted New Media | Added: 25 Mar 2013
A team of geologists led by Brown University have discovered the secrets of a pond in Antarctica wi…
Curiosity finds conditions once suited to life on Mars
Evoluted New Media | Added: 13 Mar 2013
An ancient network of rivers on Mars could once have supported life according to the latest finding…
Shedding light on solar flares
Evoluted New Media | Added: 13 Mar 2013
Astrophysicists at the University of Glasgow are investigating auroras to better understand the mec…
New evidence that asteroid caused dinosaur demise
Evoluted New Media | Added: 11 Mar 2013
In an attempt to discover what wiped out the dinosaurs, researchers have now determined the most pr…
Weighing the most distant black holes
Evoluted New Media | Added: 27 Feb 2013
A new technique that can measure the mass of supermassive black holes may revolutionise our underst…
One step closer to teleportation
Evoluted New Media | Added: 18 Feb 2013
Once dismissed by Einstein as “spooky action at a distance,” new research suggests that quantum ent…
One in six stars has Earth-sized planet
Evoluted New Media | Added: 4 Feb 2013
A new analysis of Kepler spacecraft data has revealed that about 17% of stars have an Earth-sized p…
New state of matter produced by LHC
Evoluted New Media | Added: 21 Jan 2013
Collisions between protons and lead ions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) may have produced a new…
Galaxy cluster ‘dark core’ not so dark after all
Evoluted New Media | Added: 18 Jan 2013
When NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope observed an overabundance of dark matter in the core of the merg…
Dance of quantum twisters
Evoluted New Media | Added: 11 Jan 2013
A quantum fluid trapped on top of a semiconductor chip can be used to measure movements remarkably …
Ultra-hot test rig for Space-Age ceramics
Evoluted New Media | Added: 7 Jan 2013
Researchers at Berkeley Lab have developed the first testing facility that enables CT-scanning of c…
Nearby ‘super-Earth’ may support life
Evoluted New Media | Added: 17 Dec 2012
An international team of astronomers have discovered an alien planet, believed to have a similar cl…
Water ice discovered on Mercury
Evoluted New Media | Added: 6 Dec 2012
Water ice has been discovered on Mercury, despite it being the nearest planet to the Sun, often rea…
Interview with CERN Director General Professor Rolf Heuer
Evoluted New Media | Added: 5 Dec 2012
We caught up with CERN Director General Professor Rolf Heuer at the STEMNET Awards at the House of …
Moon born in violent collision
Evoluted New Media | Added: 3 Dec 2012
Planetary scientists have discovered evidence that the Moon was created when a body the size of Mar…