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Women in STEM see equality slip during the pandemic

Added: 11 Jun 2021

Despite some good work over the years, it has become apparent that there is yet more work to be don…

SoyFilm: Is this the end of fossil fuel single-use plastics?

Added: 10 Jun 2021

At last! A sustainable, scalable and 100 percent natural plant protein-based polymer that functions…

Electron microscopy just became a thousand times more efficient

Added: 3 Jun 2021

Imaging a million samples a second to make electron microscopy a thousand times more efficient, the…

Record quantum entanglement rates: A step closer to the Quantum Internet

Added: 2 Jun 2021

In a landmark step for quantum communications, researchers have achieved record entanglement rates …

Staying ahead of the bacteria: A new weapon in the anti-bacterial arms race

Added: 1 Jun 2021

In the perpetual arms races between bacteria and human-made antibiotics, there is a new tool to giv…

Commercial quanta image sensors - a new era in solid-state imaging

Added: 27 May 2021

Solid-state technology capable of imaging individual photons of light to enable full-speed photon c…

UKRI funding to bring the public into the heart of five research projects

Added: 27 May 2021

UK Research and Innovation is encouraging people from across the UK to actively contribute to five …

3D-printed hydrogels with improved tunable properties

Added: 14 May 2021

The design of 3D-printable seaweed hydrogels that use multiple interpenetrating networks to enable …

Trust-based not-for-profit biobank platform will offer left-over biosamples to biotech and Pharma researchers

Added: 28 Apr 2021

Left-over clinical material like blood samples and excised tissue may be medical waste, but it can …

Declining work-life balance for scientific researchers, survey finds

Added: 27 Apr 2021

Reseachers are generally known for their dedication and the percieved norm is that many work for pa…

Pre-programmed degradation makes 'biodegradable' plastics truly compostable

Added: 22 Apr 2021

By embedding polymer-eating enzymes in plastic, researchers have found a way to make previously tri…

Innovation roadmap to improve smartphone apps for point-of-care diagnosis and treatment guidance

Added: 19 Apr 2021

A new review paper looks at advanced research in smartphone-based imaging systems for healthcare. T…

Expansion microscopy: Imaging biological samples at nanoscale using an ordinary light microscope

Added: 9 Apr 2021

Using an ordinary light microscope, MIT engineers have devised a technique for imaging biological s…

Advancing our understanding of life's design rules: seven genes tame simple synthetic cell division

Added: 6 Apr 2021

Recent results in cellular engineering bring us one step closer to understanding the fundamental de…

'Team ice' uncover crucial information to aid the development of new more active cryoprotectants

Added: 17 Mar 2021

Researchers uncover new understanding around the interactions between synthetic polymers and ice fo…

Tracking mosquito flight patterns in 3D using digital holography and mathematics

Added: 12 Mar 2021

Researchers have been asked to use large field-of-view digital holography to accurately apply 3D tr…

UK gov to launch Advanced Research & Invention Agency (ARIA)

Added: 23 Feb 2021

As part of its plans to cement the UK’s position as a global science superpower and build back bett…

Mapping neural dynamics: Making sense of mass neuron-generated data

Added: 19 Feb 2021

How do animals process information and adapt to environmental change? New research applies AI drive…

Cell shape influences antibiotic resistance

Added: 3 Feb 2021

A broad, curvy shape has a lower surface-to-volume ratio and is less susceptible to surface invasio…

Antiviral coating kills viruses and bacteria for product lifetime

Added: 26 Jan 2021

Can you imagine a world where you wouldn't have to worry about disease transmission from surfaces s…