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Mapping neural dynamics: Making sense of mass neuron-generated data
Added: 19 Feb 2021
How do animals process information and adapt to environmental change? New research applies AI drive…

Kinky graphene 'straintronics' for smaller, faster microchips
Added: 16 Feb 2021
Using 'straintronics' rather than electronics, researchers have produced the tiniest microchips yet…

Closed-loop chemical recycling of common petrochemical realised
Added: 28 Jan 2021
Imagine plastics and rubber that can be chemically unzipped back to reusable monomers for recycling…

Roll over Indiana Jones - the modern archeologist comes armed with technology
Added: 21 Jan 2021
Looking into the past never looked so futuristic as it does today, and the Indiana Jones-style ster…

Long-life, long-range, rapid recharging, affordable electric car battery
Added: 21 Jan 2021
Go from zero to 60 miles per hour in 3 seconds and drive like a Porsche... Electric car batteries t…

Vital biodiversity collections face drop in specimen deposits
Added: 1 Jan 2021
Kansas researchers argue that expanded biodiversity infrastructure will be an essential front line …

Science priorities agreed for 2024 lunar exploration
Added: 9 Dec 2020
Planetary processes and polar resource potential prioritised by lunar science team. Researchers pre…

ACHEMA live event postponed by nine months
Added: 18 Nov 2020
Further updates to our event horizon include a nine-month postponement of ACHEMA to April 2022, on …

A step towards an environmentally friendly Lithium ion battery
Added: 13 Nov 2020
We all love the idea of an electric car and Elon Musk's Tesla is almost accessible to even a poorly…

Self-watering soil could transform farming
Added: 9 Nov 2020
They say water is set to become more valuable than oil, with water scarcity becoming one of the mos…

Do octopuses' arms have a mind of their own?
Added: 4 Nov 2020
Often described as aliens, octopuses are one of most unusual creatures on the planet, with three he…

Significant water deposits on the moon confirmed
Added: 26 Oct 2020
If you got trapped on the moon you'd at least be able to fill your water bottle according to NASA's…

Science and scientists held in high esteem across the globe
Added: 1 Oct 2020
As the world looks to scientists and the research and development process to bring new treatments a…

Plant-based supercapacitor delivers 900 x energy efficiency
Added: 11 Sep 2020
In a new study, researchers at Texas A&M University have described their novel plant-based energy s…

Environmentally friendly silicon recycling
Added: 10 Sep 2020
Skoltech scientists and their colleagues from Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) have develope…

New fossil ape discovered in India
Added: 9 Sep 2020
A 13-million-year-old fossil unearthed in northern India comes from a newly discovered ape, the ear…

Fungus leather: new front-runner for sustainable clothing material
Added: 9 Sep 2020
In a new review paper by the University of Vienna, Imperial College London, and RMIT University in …

Elastic to kinetic energy conversion through biomimicry
Added: 4 Sep 2020
Venus flytraps do it, trap-jaw ants do it, and now materials scientists at the University of Massac…

Coronavirus 'trap and zap' technology
Added: 24 Aug 2020
Rice University researchers plan to reconfigure their 'trap and zap' wastewater-treatment technolog…

Converting self-sterilising water filtration technologies for COVID-19 protection
Added: 24 Aug 2020
With the worldwide focus on coronavirus prevention and transmission, a new type of air-filter that …