Latest In Depth

Get a little going a long way

Evoluted New Media | Added: 13 Nov 2008

Getting a lot of information from a small sample is the name of the game in pre-formulation researc…

Antibiotics: Good for the body, bad for the environment?

Evoluted New Media | Added: 13 Nov 2008

Antibiotics have changed the face of medicine, but their impact on the environment is now becoming …

Prospectors get a new tool

Evoluted New Media | Added: 11 Nov 2008

There’s no point prospecting for gold if you don’t have a decent pan. Likewise, using your flow cyt…

Going, going, gone

Evoluted New Media | Added: 11 Nov 2008

The disposal of obsolete or unwanted diagnostic equipment has become a major headache to many organ…

Magnetism holds the key

Evoluted New Media | Added: 6 Nov 2008

A new approach could revolutionise point-of-care testing with its robust and remote properties

No distance too great

Evoluted New Media | Added: 4 Nov 2008

Tele-pathology has promised lots and delivered very little over the last few years. Historically, p…

A good judge of character

Evoluted New Media | Added: 4 Nov 2008

NanoSight tell us why their characterisation systems provide a unique ability to directly visualise…

Ensuring a level playing field

Evoluted New Media | Added: 23 Oct 2008

As memories of the Olympics fade, and thoughts turn to how London 2012 will compare – one thing is …

Let there be light

Evoluted New Media | Added: 23 Oct 2008

All workplaces need to be correctly lit to allow staff to function safely and efficiently and the l…

Getting to the heart of the problem

Evoluted New Media | Added: 21 Oct 2008

Hailed as the next step in biological research, proteomics could provide answers in many fields. Bu…

Culture Club

Evoluted New Media | Added: 16 Oct 2008

Managing media preparation can be difficult and dangerous; here Steve Robertson evaluates your opti…

Breaking with tradition

Evoluted New Media | Added: 14 Oct 2008

Fully automated image analysis extends particle characterisation beyond its limits of just measurin…

How much do you value your training officer?

Evoluted New Media | Added: 14 Oct 2008

Passing knowledge from one generation to the next is fine for legends and fables, but not for labor…

Laboratory news Q&A: Sterilin

Evoluted New Media | Added: 9 Oct 2008

With over 40 years of laboratory product experience, Sterilin have been there, seen it and got the …

How healthy is your heart?

Evoluted New Media | Added: 9 Oct 2008

If the answer is “not very” then myeloperoxidase can be used as a useful detector of cardiac diseas…

Keeping it real

Evoluted New Media | Added: 7 Oct 2008

Natural products are highly valued by consumers yet it has been difficult to reproduce their proper…

Reaching for legislation

Evoluted New Media | Added: 2 Oct 2008

The chemical industry in Europe is one of the most tightly regulated and it is set to get tighter a…

Chemicals on demand

Evoluted New Media | Added: 2 Oct 2008

Transporting and storing disinfectants and biocides can be dangerous and expensive – the best way t…

Make your assay count

Evoluted New Media | Added: 25 Sep 2008

Measurement of cell counts and viability is an essential task done routinely in any biology lab wor…

Use the force

Evoluted New Media | Added: 23 Sep 2008

The ability of cells to bond to each other involves many processes and can reveal much about biolog…