Latest In Depth

Getting to grips with cell adhesion

Evoluted New Media | Added: 4 Apr 2007

Understanding how cells adhere and move is a rapidly growing area of research yet an assay to succe…

a bitter spill to swallow

Evoluted New Media | Added: 3 Apr 2007

With new biocidal product regulations and COSHH becoming ever more widespread, keeping your lab cle…

How to be pure

Evoluted New Media | Added: 28 Mar 2007

An effective method for preparing weighable samples from difficult to dry HPLC purification fractio…

Its all a question of quality

Evoluted New Media | Added: 23 Mar 2007

Quality is something that is vital in the field of immunodiagnosis and immunochemistry – here we di…

Going nano to beat crime

Evoluted New Media | Added: 20 Mar 2007

Forensic science has advanced rapidly in the last 20 years. Now, many think that to beat the growin…

Cool growth of nanotubes

Evoluted New Media | Added: 15 Mar 2007

The holy grail has been found for the silicone microchip industry, allow the technology wall to be …

Let there be light

Evoluted New Media | Added: 12 Mar 2007

Dynamic light scattering is a widely used technique for measuring the size of molecules in solution…

Water water everywhere

Evoluted New Media | Added: 5 Mar 2007

In a drive to improve water quality, a project within the School of Chemical Engineering and Analyt…

Getting the bigger picture

Evoluted New Media | Added: 1 Mar 2007

Technology has allowed immunology to develop at a vast rate. But there is still room for simple tec…

The future of diagnostics

Evoluted New Media | Added: 24 Feb 2007

Just how do the latest recommendations affect the UK’s pathology services?

Playing the numbers game

Evoluted New Media | Added: 22 Feb 2007

In modern drug discovery the key is to extract the gold from your screening mountain and turn your …

The science of sleep

Evoluted New Media | Added: 18 Feb 2007

Birds do it, bees do it, it is entirely possible that fleas do it, and most of us would like a litt…

Getting handy with health and safety

Evoluted New Media | Added: 15 Feb 2007

With Health and safety legislation becoming ever more stringent, it is often a struggle to keep up.…

LIMS comes of age - information management for every laboratory

Evoluted New Media | Added: 11 Feb 2007

By tracing the evolution of QSI\'s WinLIMS from the early days, Clive Collier shows how a LIMS is n…

Targeting rare cells

Evoluted New Media | Added: 7 Feb 2007

Adult stem cells account for less than 1% of any tissue but they’re responsible for maintaining the…

From concept to product

Evoluted New Media | Added: 6 Feb 2007

What is it that turns a good idea into a good product? It is easy to say that if we all knew the an…

A picture speaks a thousand words

Evoluted New Media | Added: 2 Feb 2007

The information gained from scanning electron microscopy can give you more than just an image. Mich…

Sensing for safety

Evoluted New Media | Added: 10 Jan 2007

New sensing technologies are required to ensure health and safety in our homes, workplaces and on t…

Seeing the invisible

Evoluted New Media | Added: 6 Jan 2007

New generation high-resolution electron microscopes provide information at the atomic scale allowin…

Lean and mean

Evoluted New Media | Added: 4 Jan 2007

As the drive towards ever more efficient, cost effective pathology services gathers speed in the wa…