Latest In Depth

Botanical biodiversity banked: Happy anniversary MSBKew
Added: 24 Nov 2020
Kew Gardens is a magical destination, delighting tourists young and old with its enormous tress, be…

The COVID-19 pandemic doesn't end with a viable vaccine but with a vaccinated population
Added: 19 Nov 2020
With a potential finishing line suddenly appearing over the horizon, getting competitors to the end…

Reviewing EU microbiological safety cabinet regulations
Added: 18 Nov 2020
Following up on the lab management article 'Microbiological safety cabinets - On-site and maintenan…

5 Steps to Medical Device Labelling Compliance
Added: 13 Nov 2020
The transition some medical device manufacturers face with the new EU Medical Device Regulation (EU…

Embracing change to keep pace with routine test demand
Added: 23 Oct 2020
Penny Pinnock looks at why NHS trusts must work together to meet the challenges facing their labora…

Selecting the right sterile cleanroom clothing solution for compliance with EU GMP Annex I
Added: 23 Oct 2020
Sponsored Content
The new EU GMP Annex I guidelines will require sterile product manufacturers to …

Go with the flow: Transition to Vanadium batteries is gathering pace
Added: 12 Oct 2020
Following up on his interview with ‘Vanadium Queen’, Maria Skylass-Kazacos published in our Septemb…

Feeding the world
Added: 2 Oct 2020
An international team of researchers led by Mario Herrero at CSIRO, Australia’s national science ag…

Solving process safety and scale up
Added: 2 Oct 2020
In industries ranging from pharmaceuticals to fine chemicals, there is a need to take small, labora…

Improving the luck of the horseshoe crab
Added: 21 Sep 2020
Following some recent media controversy, Allen Burgenson, and Glenn Gauvry update our original July…

Big data for understanding small molecules; a case study
Added: 25 Aug 2020
As big data continues to transform the industry must we remain so reluctant to share data? In her a…

Collaborate to accumulate
Added: 25 Aug 2020
Pharmaceutical research and development has historically been shrouded in mystery; a secretive acti…

Capturing clinical movement
Added: 7 Aug 2020
From gait analysis to neuroscience, Dr Kim Duffy illustrates how motion capture technology is being…

The great vaccine paradox
Added: 3 Aug 2020
by Dermot Martin
What happens if the best defence against a virus develops an image problem? As we…

The truth about turtles
Sarah Lawton | Added: 20 Jul 2020
A research team from Florida State University (FSU) has discovered a world of microscopic life on t…

The human brain built by AI: A transatlantic collaboration
Added: 2 Jul 2020
The new German-Canadian lab, HIBALL, aims to create a microscopic 3D map of functional neuroanatomy…

More gain, less pain with liquid biopsies
Added: 26 Jun 2020
Following on from a previous article; Liquid Gold, published on 21 January 2019, Dermot Martin revi…

GSK partners CRISPR discoverer to develop rapid COVID-19 test
Added: 5 Jun 2020
Gene editor turns gene detective: Dermot Martin investigates a successful COVID-19 test development…

Physicist creates fifth state of matter from their living room
Added: 22 May 2020
Dr Amruta Gadge from the Quantum Systems and Devices Laboratory successfully created a Bose-Einstei…

Re-purposing familiar drugs to defend against COVID 19
Sarah Lawton | Added: 15 May 2020
By Dermot Martin
Drugs with a successful track record against rare diseases occasionally show posi…