YouTube for scientists launched
31 Aug 2007 by Evoluted New Media

As the world becomes more and more obsessed with podcasts and YouTube - the scientific community now has its own online video outlet.
As the world becomes more and more obsessed with podcasts and YouTube - the scientific community now has its own online video outlet.
Dubbed the “YouTube for scientists”, SciVee allows scientists to upload published papers and a podcast of them presenting the paper. Those watching the podcast can leave comments and rate the paper.
The site claims to “move science beyond the printed word and lecture theater taking advantage of the internet as a communication medium where scientists young and old have a place and a voice.”
Authors must have published their paper in an open access journal in order to upload it to SciVee. The benefit for scientists, say the sites designers, is the opportunity to disseminate their research to a wider and potentially new audience. They are also able to create a professional profile and join science groups. They also hope the larger scientific community will access new scientific information, comment on what is published, and subscribe to relevant channels and groups.
The site has been created in partnership with the Public Library of Science (PLoS), The US National Science Foundation (NSF) - and the San Diego Supercomputer Centre (SDSC).
Those behind the initiative are confident that it will contribute to the widespread dissemination and comprehension of science, although as the site is relatively new, content is still fairly limited.
To see the site visit