Evoluted New Media

Nanotech key in weaning Europe off oil
Evoluted New Media | Added: 3 Nov 2008
Optimistic views of global solar power are possible say ESF

Ground level ozone is not yesterday's problem
Evoluted New Media | Added: 27 Oct 2008
Existing ozone controls are simply not enough – the message from the report by the Royal Society an…

Flexible approach to organic display screens
Evoluted New Media | Added: 27 Oct 2008
It was two years ago when Sony proudly announced the development of flexible display screens that u…

Of mice and men
Evoluted New Media | Added: 27 Oct 2008
If you want to know the history of human movement across the planet - have a look at mice DNA. This…

3-D cell growth attracts funding
Evoluted New Media | Added: 24 Oct 2008
A company hoping to revolutionise the way cells are grown in the laboratory, is preparing for comme…

How Jellyfish revolutionised bioscience
Evoluted New Media | Added: 24 Oct 2008
The Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2008 went to the researchers that discovered GFP (Green Flourescent P…

Ensuring a level playing field
Evoluted New Media | Added: 23 Oct 2008
As memories of the Olympics fade, and thoughts turn to how London 2012 will compare – one thing is …

Let there be light
Evoluted New Media | Added: 23 Oct 2008
All workplaces need to be correctly lit to allow staff to function safely and efficiently and the l…

Energy storage a boost for renewables
Evoluted New Media | Added: 22 Oct 2008
Engineers and scientists think they have paved the way for the massive installation of renewable en…

Getting to the heart of the problem
Evoluted New Media | Added: 21 Oct 2008
Hailed as the next step in biological research, proteomics could provide answers in many fields. Bu…

BSE test may prevent precautionery slaughter
Evoluted New Media | Added: 20 Oct 2008
Scientists hope a new discovery might lead to a urine-based BSE test that could prevent the precaut…

Culture Club
Evoluted New Media | Added: 16 Oct 2008
Managing media preparation can be difficult and dangerous; here Steve Robertson evaluates your opti…

Breaking with tradition
Evoluted New Media | Added: 14 Oct 2008
Fully automated image analysis extends particle characterisation beyond its limits of just measurin…

How much do you value your training officer?
Evoluted New Media | Added: 14 Oct 2008
Passing knowledge from one generation to the next is fine for legends and fables, but not for labor…

No such thing as a safe tan
Evoluted New Media | Added: 13 Oct 2008
After an underwhelming summer, you may be entertaining thoughts of topping up your tan on the sun b…

Fast food set to make criminal sweat
Evoluted New Media | Added: 13 Oct 2008
The inventor of a new forensic fingerprinting technique claims criminals who eat processed foods ar…

Physicists tune in to big questions
Evoluted New Media | Added: 10 Oct 2008
In a month dominated by Cern and the study of the very small, a group of astronomers from the UK ha…

Laboratory news Q&A: Sterilin
Evoluted New Media | Added: 9 Oct 2008
With over 40 years of laboratory product experience, Sterilin have been there, seen it and got the …

How healthy is your heart?
Evoluted New Media | Added: 9 Oct 2008
If the answer is “not very” then myeloperoxidase can be used as a useful detector of cardiac diseas…

Memories are made of this
Evoluted New Media | Added: 8 Oct 2008
For the first time scientists have recorded individual brain cells in the act of calling up a memor…