Evoluted New Media

Ancient TB 3000 years older than thought
Evoluted New Media | Added: 26 Nov 2008
The discovery of the earliest known cases of human tuberculosis (TB) in bones found submerged off t…

Pure and Simple
Evoluted New Media | Added: 25 Nov 2008
With the world facing an inevitable shift in the way it generates energy – nuclear power has once a…

Double pronged observations probe black hole
Evoluted New Media | Added: 24 Nov 2008
New observations of the flickering light from the surroundings of two black holes have provided ins…

The definite article
Evoluted New Media | Added: 20 Nov 2008
Cutting edge live cell imaging experiments can take place over long time scales. This can reveal mu…

Keeping a clean atmosphere
Evoluted New Media | Added: 20 Nov 2008
Choosing the right chemical and biological containment within the laboratory can be a difficult tas…

International mission to discover Antarctic secrets
Evoluted New Media | Added: 19 Nov 2008
Teams of scientists, engineers, pilots and support staff from British Antarctic Survey, USA, German…

Gorilla study hints at origin of human speech
Evoluted New Media | Added: 17 Nov 2008
A new study provides evidence that gorilla communication is linked to the left hemisphere of the br…

Rock detectives turn back time
Evoluted New Media | Added: 14 Nov 2008
A new technique using X-rays has enabled scientists to solve a debate about the origins of a three …

Are you ready to go label - free?
Evoluted New Media | Added: 13 Nov 2008
With real-time detection and the ability to handle complex mixtures - acoustic biosensor technology…

Get a little going a long way
Evoluted New Media | Added: 13 Nov 2008
Getting a lot of information from a small sample is the name of the game in pre-formulation researc…

Antibiotics: Good for the body, bad for the environment?
Evoluted New Media | Added: 13 Nov 2008
Antibiotics have changed the face of medicine, but their impact on the environment is now becoming …

Getting to know the genome of your bugs
Evoluted New Media | Added: 12 Nov 2008
Researchers have set out to understand the genetic component of all those friendly – and not so fri…

Prospectors get a new tool
Evoluted New Media | Added: 11 Nov 2008
There’s no point prospecting for gold if you don’t have a decent pan. Likewise, using your flow cyt…

Going, going, gone
Evoluted New Media | Added: 11 Nov 2008
The disposal of obsolete or unwanted diagnostic equipment has become a major headache to many organ…

Everest study shows neuron loss when climbing
Evoluted New Media | Added: 10 Nov 2008
Researchers have discovered that climbers could suffer a reduction in brain size during high climbs.

Mans best friend helps disease hunt
Evoluted New Media | Added: 7 Nov 2008
For centuries man has had a uniquely close relationship with dogs. Now, dogs are taking on a new ro…

Magnetism holds the key
Evoluted New Media | Added: 6 Nov 2008
A new approach could revolutionise point-of-care testing with its robust and remote properties

Textbooks use white men as ‘universal model’
Evoluted New Media | Added: 5 Nov 2008
Images of white men predominate in western anatomy textbooks, which present them as a “universal mo…

No distance too great
Evoluted New Media | Added: 4 Nov 2008
Tele-pathology has promised lots and delivered very little over the last few years. Historically, p…

A good judge of character
Evoluted New Media | Added: 4 Nov 2008
NanoSight tell us why their characterisation systems provide a unique ability to directly visualise…