Environmental Chemistry
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Clock ticking for nominations for RSC journals’ chemistry lectureships
Time is running out to apply for lectureships offered through two of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s flagship journals.

Clock ticking for nominations for RSC journals’ chemistry lectureships
Time is running out to apply for lectureships offered through two of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s flagship journals.
In Depth

Food forensics: how AI can smell authentic olive oil
Extra virgin olive (EVO) oils are highly complex. Here, Prof Chiara Cordero discusses the application of an AI smelling machine to analyse, qualify, categorise, and authenticate olive oil and counter…
Comment And Analysis

A matter of scale
Funding support and infrastructure are needed to bring bio-based products and processes to market and meet net zero targets, urges Lynsey Dunbar. Otherwise, start-ups will be looking elsewhere.

The promise of COVID-19 surveillance through wastewater testing
Pandemic modelling data can be gathered through mass testing by monitoring viral RNA levels in wastewater. Dr Han Wei explains how sewer sample surveillance could potentially offer an early warning r…