All Zoology

Are all mammals just copy cats? Felines to play a key role in human genetics
Added: 30 Jul 2021
The feline genome is ordered similarly to humans according to one veterinary medicine expert. So, c…

Shipping biologicals - the journey of human tissue samples
Added: 29 Jul 2021
Medical research relies on routine and specialist biological samples which must be handled with gre…

Free webinar: Testing imported pets to mitigate emerging disease threats
Added: 9 Jun 2021
With the demand for pets rising dramatically over lockdown, and the number of illegal imports keepi…

Are UK Zoos putting the Con in Conservation?
Added: 27 May 2021
A shocking new report published by Born Free highlights that the majority of species found in the U…

UKRI funding to bring the public into the heart of five research projects
Added: 27 May 2021
UK Research and Innovation is encouraging people from across the UK to actively contribute to five …

How moths find their flame - genetics of mate attraction discovered
Added: 14 May 2021
Biologists have discovered the gene controlling the mating preference of male European corn borer m…

Giant sea lizard fossil shows diversity of life before asteroid hit
Added: 14 May 2021
A further species discovery confirms the abundance and diversity of giant marine lizards in the Cre…

Learning on the fly: Computer model links insect and mammalian learning
Added: 7 May 2021
Even the humble fruit fly craves a dose of the happy hormone, according to a new study from the Uni…

Some like it hot - our May/June issue cover story on thermophiles as biotechnological targets
Added: 28 Apr 2021
Thermophiles are fascinating microorganisms that include fungi, algae, cyanobacteria, and protozoa.…

Articulating the earliest true opposed thumb in Earth's history; Monkeydactyl
Added: 13 Apr 2021
The application of micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scanning has enabled digital modelling and …

Making music with spiders webs and talking arachnid: discover more at ACS Spring 2021
Added: 12 Apr 2021
Imagine being able to talk to spiders in their own language! Scientists report that they have trans…

Expansion microscopy: Imaging biological samples at nanoscale using an ordinary light microscope
Added: 9 Apr 2021
Using an ordinary light microscope, MIT engineers have devised a technique for imaging biological s…

Bioluminescence: a life study of ocean light
Added: 30 Mar 2021
Bioluminescence is visually magical and has inspired many scientists to dive deep to discover its s…

COVID waste is killing animals - how to pick COVID PPE litter safely
Added: 26 Mar 2021
How many times have you stepped over someone else's lost or discarded facemask crushed in the dirt …

Tracking mosquito flight patterns in 3D using digital holography and mathematics
Added: 12 Mar 2021
Researchers have been asked to use large field-of-view digital holography to accurately apply 3D tr…

Meet the baby tyrannosaurs - dog-sized and looking just like mum and dad
Added: 29 Jan 2021
Imagine mini tyrannosaurs running around your legs like collie dogs! They may have grown to 40 feet…

Megalodon babies were born larger than a man
Added: 18 Jan 2021
While 'The Meg' exaggerated its movie magic megalodon, researchers have shown a baby megatooth sha…

Dire wolves evolved in isolation from gray wolves
Added: 15 Jan 2021
Reality is more interesting than myth, and all Game of Throne fans who fell in love with Lady, Grey…

Vital biodiversity collections face drop in specimen deposits
Added: 1 Jan 2021
Kansas researchers argue that expanded biodiversity infrastructure will be an essential front line …

Kinship is beneficial - even for anti-social squirrels
Added: 23 Dec 2020
Never rattle at your neighbours, killing them could endanger your health... if you're a red squirre…