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Higher rates of severe COVID-19 in ethnic minorities remain unexplained

Added: 23 Jun 2020

Higher rates of severe COVID-19 infections among ethnic minorities are not explained by socioeconom…

Webinar: Accepting animal-free bacterial endotoxin testing

Added: 15 Jun 2020

European, US, Japanese and Chinese pharmacopeia will include a synthetic substitute for horseshoe c…

Researchers uncover a world of life on the back of a turtle

Added: 4 Jun 2020

Much to the delight of all Hindu’s and fans of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels, researchers have…

New MIT protein production protocol will speed up drug delivery

Added: 1 Jun 2020

MIT chemists have developed a protocol to rapidly produce protein chains up to 164 amino acids long…

Plastic-eating superworms host biodegrading gut bacteria

Added: 29 May 2020

Resembling giant mealworms, superworms (Zophobas atratus) are beetle larvae that are often sold in …

Tracking the physics of biological cells using nanodevices (video)

Added: 28 May 2020

For the first time, scientists have introduced minuscule tracking devices directly into the interio…

How to fast without having to fast

Added: 28 May 2020

As modern lifestyles and high calorie diets drive the UK's obesity levels up, researchers from the …

Rats recognise rhythm

Added: 27 May 2020

Musical rhythm has very deep evolutionary roots and is present in some animals, according to a stud…

Listen to the song of the Arctic unicorn (video)

Added: 27 May 2020

With the help of Inuit hunters, geophysicists recently recorded the various calls, buzzes, clicks a…

Biohybrid organic battery combines nanocomposite and bacteria

Added: 27 May 2020

Scientists from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have developed a programmable, biohybrid ma…

WIN: A Tale of Seven Scientists

Sarah Lawton | Added: 11 May 2020

And a new philosophy of science
Written by Eric Scerri 

Real-time observation of enzymatic processes on DNA

Added: 4 May 2020

Scientists at the University of Konstanz have used infrared spectroscopy to visualise the biochemic…

Targeted prevention of preterm labour

Added: 27 Apr 2020

A new approach that targets problematic molecular pathway to prevent preterm labour and birth has b…

CERN takes on Covid-19

Added: 9 Apr 2020

The World’s biggest experiment, CERN, has established a task force to identify and support contribu…

Inflatable lab for fast COVID-19 testing

Added: 9 Apr 2020

As many countries rapidly build-up screening and testing infrastructure for Covid-19, a Chinese ins…

Antibody from SARS epidemic reacts with Coronavirus

Added: 9 Apr 2020

An antibody recovered from a survivor of the SARS epidemic in the early 2000s has revealed a potent…

E.coli engineered to consume CO2

Added: 28 Nov 2019

Synthetic biologists have engineered an autotrophic form of bacteria.

Ethiopian ponds too extreme even for microbes

Added: 25 Nov 2019

European biologists have confirmed the one place on Earth where conditions are too extreme for life…

Curiosity rover reveals oxygen spikes on Mars

Added: 15 Nov 2019

Readings from NASA’s Curiosity rover have revealed a surprising jump in oxygen in the Martian atmos…

Ultra-fine particles linked to brain cancer

Added: 14 Nov 2019

Air pollution nanoparticles have been linked to brain cancer for the first time.