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Algae as living biocatalysts for a green industry

Added: 13 Jul 2020

Better still: living algae can be used as biocatalysts for certain substances, and they bring the c…

Extinct Oligocene dolphins were apex predators

Added: 9 Jul 2020

A report in the journal Current Biology, offers a detailed description of the first nearly complete…

COVID-19 Earth observation dashboard

Added: 25 Jun 2020

In response to the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, NASA, ESA (European Space Agency), and J…

The many lifetimes of plastics

Added: 16 Jun 2020

Infographics strive to give us a sense of how long plastic goods will last in the environment but i…

Survival of coronavirus in different cities, on different surfaces

Added: 11 Jun 2020

One of the many questions researchers have about COVID-19 is how long the coronavirus causing the d…

Magma movements suggest long-term seismic risk for Northern Europe

Added: 11 Jun 2020

Scientists have discovered new evidence for active volcanism next door to some of the most densely …

Researchers uncover a world of life on the back of a turtle

Added: 4 Jun 2020

Much to the delight of all Hindu’s and fans of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels, researchers have…

Oil-hungry smart sponge could restore our oceans

Added: 2 Jun 2020

A Northwestern University-led team has developed a highly porous smart sponge that selectively soak…

Deep earthquake simulation may unravel geophysical mystery (video)

Added: 29 May 2020

New computer modeling by Magali Billen, professor of earth and planetary sciences at UC Davis, offe…

Plastic-eating superworms host biodegrading gut bacteria

Added: 29 May 2020

Resembling giant mealworms, superworms (Zophobas atratus) are beetle larvae that are often sold in …

Listen to the song of the Arctic unicorn (video)

Added: 27 May 2020

With the help of Inuit hunters, geophysicists recently recorded the various calls, buzzes, clicks a…

Return to work safely: Environmental surface swabbing

Added: 18 May 2020

In light of the UK government’s request for employers to enable staff to safely return to work wher…

Return to work safely: Managing transmission in transport hubs

Added: 18 May 2020

Aerosol specialists – ANCON Medical – discuss innovation that could detect COVID-19 in high traffic…

Rothamsted turn to harvesting coronavirus data

Sarah Lawton | Added: 13 May 2020

A group of researchers based at Rothamsted Research, one of the oldest agricultural research instit…

Virtual conference on low-carbon lifestyle changes

Added: 7 May 2020

More than 500 researchers from all around the world will gather virtually tomorrow Wednesday May 6 …

Ice-free Arctic seas by 2050

Added: 24 Apr 2020

Arctic sea-ice simulations suggest ice-free summers before 2050 despite rapidly reduced carbon emis…

Space-based reflectors to boost solar power

Added: 2 Apr 2020

A project exploring the use of space-based reflectors to shine sunlight towards Earth-bound solar f…

Small plankton bad for carbon sequestration

Added: 2 Apr 2020

A study of phytoplankton in the North Atlantic suggest their cells are smaller than expected ­­–­ m…

Ancient global warming puzzle solved

Added: 14 Jan 2020

Scientists from Cardiff University have shed new light on the Earth’s climate behaviour during the …

Ethiopian ponds too extreme even for microbes

Added: 25 Nov 2019

European biologists have confirmed the one place on Earth where conditions are too extreme for life…