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Natural reward: has the other evolutionary shoe just dropped?

Added: 9 Dec 2020

Is natural reward the carrot to balance the stick of natural selection? Now there's a thought that …

Science priorities agreed for 2024 lunar exploration

Added: 9 Dec 2020

Planetary processes and polar resource potential prioritised by lunar science team. Researchers pre…

Self-watering soil could transform farming

Added: 9 Nov 2020

They say water is set to become more valuable than oil, with water scarcity becoming one of the mos…

Significant water deposits on the moon confirmed

Added: 26 Oct 2020

If you got trapped on the moon you'd at least be able to fill your water bottle according to NASA's…

NASA Astronaut Kate Rubins, Crewmates Arrive Safely at Space Station

Added: 19 Oct 2020

NASA astronaut Kate Rubins and two Russian cosmonauts arrived aboard the International Space Statio…

Environmentally friendly silicon recycling

Added: 10 Sep 2020

Skoltech scientists and their colleagues from Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) have develope…

Fungus leather: new front-runner for sustainable clothing material

Added: 9 Sep 2020

In a new review paper by the University of Vienna, Imperial College London, and RMIT University in …

Converting self-sterilising water filtration technologies for COVID-19 protection

Added: 24 Aug 2020

With the worldwide focus on coronavirus prevention and transmission, a new type of air-filter that …

New international carbon dating standard

Added: 13 Aug 2020

Radiocarbon dating is set to become more accurate than ever after an international team of scientis…

Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite reveals new penguin colonies

Added: 5 Aug 2020

A new study using satellite mapping technology reveals there are nearly 20% more emperor penguin co…

Affordable carbon-loving materials for reduced industrial emissions

Added: 28 Jul 2020

Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tenne…

Algae as living biocatalysts for a green industry

Added: 13 Jul 2020

Better still: living algae can be used as biocatalysts for certain substances, and they bring the c…

COVID-19 Earth observation dashboard

Added: 25 Jun 2020

In response to the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, NASA, ESA (European Space Agency), and J…

The many lifetimes of plastics

Added: 16 Jun 2020

Infographics strive to give us a sense of how long plastic goods will last in the environment but i…

Survival of coronavirus in different cities, on different surfaces

Added: 11 Jun 2020

One of the many questions researchers have about COVID-19 is how long the coronavirus causing the d…

Oil-hungry smart sponge could restore our oceans

Added: 2 Jun 2020

A Northwestern University-led team has developed a highly porous smart sponge that selectively soak…

Plastic-eating superworms host biodegrading gut bacteria

Added: 29 May 2020

Resembling giant mealworms, superworms (Zophobas atratus) are beetle larvae that are often sold in …

Will our climate bounce back as a result of the COVID-19 lockdown?

Added: 20 May 2020

Stanford research study envisions energy and environment landscape after COVID-19, pinpointing redu…

Return to work safely: Environmental surface swabbing

Added: 18 May 2020

In light of the UK government’s request for employers to enable staff to safely return to work wher…

Ultra-fine particles linked to brain cancer

Added: 14 Nov 2019

Air pollution nanoparticles have been linked to brain cancer for the first time.