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Astronomers confirm Farfarout is our most distant object
Added: 15 Feb 2021
Farfarout... is a faint little rock only 400km across. Farther out than Farout - in fact, far enoug…

Droplet formation at the nanoscale
Added: 4 Feb 2021
It is surprising to find such everyday physics in the nanoscale world of molecular biology, but whe…

Not just a droplet: Explaining one dimensional quantum liquid formation
Added: 22 Jan 2021
A new type of quantum droplet - the most dilute liquids ever experimentally observed - helps unrave…

Long-life, long-range, rapid recharging, affordable electric car battery
Added: 21 Jan 2021
Go from zero to 60 miles per hour in 3 seconds and drive like a Porsche... Electric car batteries t…

Let the countdown commence with atomic accuracy
Added: 31 Dec 2020
10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1... Happy New Year!
While the UK looks to Big Ben and the US…

Quantum technology spins into scalability
Added: 11 Dec 2020
A multi-disciplinary team has published proof-of-concept for a powerful and scalable quantum techno…

Science priorities agreed for 2024 lunar exploration
Added: 9 Dec 2020
Planetary processes and polar resource potential prioritised by lunar science team. Researchers pre…

Call for entries: Long COVID co-created science and art installation
Added: 3 Dec 2020
"The stories we tell matter." Relational Space
Are you willing to 'fearlessly explore' the impact …

ACHEMA live event postponed by nine months
Added: 18 Nov 2020
Further updates to our event horizon include a nine-month postponement of ACHEMA to April 2022, on …

Graphene researchers throw physics out the window
Added: 16 Nov 2020
A Manchester University graphene research team has just thrown the physics textbook out of the prov…

Significant water deposits on the moon confirmed
Added: 26 Oct 2020
If you got trapped on the moon you'd at least be able to fill your water bottle according to NASA's…

NASA Astronaut Kate Rubins, Crewmates Arrive Safely at Space Station
Added: 19 Oct 2020
NASA astronaut Kate Rubins and two Russian cosmonauts arrived aboard the International Space Statio…

International Artemis Accord principles try to establish a safe, peaceful, and prosperous future in space
Added: 14 Oct 2020
Reflecting more than a little Star Trek Federation style peace and harmony, international cooperati…

Scientists precisely measure total amount of matter in the universe
Added: 9 Oct 2020
A top goal in cosmology is to precisely measure the total amount of matter in the universe, a daunt…

Science and scientists held in high esteem across the globe
Added: 1 Oct 2020
As the world looks to scientists and the research and development process to bring new treatments a…

Multishot lens-free imaging could aid disease diagnosis
Added: 24 Sep 2020
A new type of imaging that does not require a lens and uses reconfigurable particle-based masks to …

Error forecasting for safer fusion energy
Added: 24 Sep 2020
Bringing the power of the sun to Earth requires sound theory, good engineering, and a little finess…

Elastic to kinetic energy conversion through biomimicry
Added: 4 Sep 2020
Venus flytraps do it, trap-jaw ants do it, and now materials scientists at the University of Massac…

Plugging the power leak for fusion reactions
Added: 6 Aug 2020
Scientists have found a novel way to prevent pesky magnetic bubbles in plasma from interfering with…

Splash down for first commercial crew flight to Space Station
Added: 3 Aug 2020
Two NASA astronauts splashed down safely in the Gulf of Mexico Sunday for the first time in a comme…