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Bioimaging collaboration takes on viral disease
Added: 9 Dec 2019
A new institute collaboration will allow scientists to study viral diseases in greater detail.

Quantum physics AI speeds up drug discovery
Added: 9 Dec 2019
An international collaboration has seen a team using Artificial Intelligence normally used to predi…

Curiosity rover reveals oxygen spikes on Mars
Added: 15 Nov 2019
Readings from NASA’s Curiosity rover have revealed a surprising jump in oxygen in the Martian atmos…

EPSRC funds new nuclear robotics facility
Added: 8 Nov 2019
EPSRC is funding for a new national facility that will support nuclear robotics R&D across four ins…

Ultra low-mass black hole uncovered
Added: 1 Nov 2019
Astrophysicists say they have discovered evidence of the smallest black hole ever detected – just 3…

Rivals question Google’s quantum supremacy claim
Added: 28 Oct 2019
Google researchers claimed quantum supremacy last week, shortly followed by rebuke from its rivals.

AI university to open in UAE next year
Added: 16 Oct 2019
The world’s first graduate level research university dedicated to AI will welcome its first intake …

Wellcome Trust on the hunt for best public engagement
Added: 16 Oct 2019
The Wellcome Trust has launched an initiative to find the best examples of public engagement projec…

ESA opens calls for ISS lab upgrade
Added: 14 Oct 2019
The European Space Agency is looking for industry help to upgrade the Columbus laboratory aboard th…

Saturn surpasses Jupiter as 'moon king'
Added: 10 Oct 2019
Another 20 moons have been discovered orbiting Saturn, each around five kilometres, or three miles,…

Nobel physics prize awarded for cosmology and exoplanet discovery
Added: 8 Oct 2019
The Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to James Peebles for theoretical discoveries in physica…

Andromeda’s galaxy-gobbling past
Added: 4 Oct 2019
Our neighbouring galaxy Andromeda has engulfed several smaller galaxies, likely within the last few…

US Army project sets quantum entanglement record
Added: 30 Sep 2019
A new record has been set for the transfer of quantum entanglement between matter and light, which …

Nanolaser functions inside living human tissue
Added: 26 Sep 2019
A US team has developed a nanolaser that can operate in confined spaces such as quantum circuits, m…

European Bioinformatics Institute adds local data storage
Added: 19 Sep 2019
The European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) has signed a contract with colocation datacentre p…

PM reintroduces graduate visa
Added: 18 Sep 2019
A new work visa introduced by Boris Johnson’s government will allow international science students …

New record for largest neutron star
Added: 17 Sep 2019
Astronomers at the NANOGrav Physics Frontiers Center have observed the biggest neutron star ever re…

Simple, beautiful, classic: MIT creates blackest black material
Added: 16 Sep 2019
Engineers have claimed a new record for the blackest material ever created.

First evidence of water discovered on exoplanet
Added: 12 Sep 2019
For the first time, water vapour has been detected in the atmosphere a planet outside our solar sys…

Black hole image wins $3M Breakthrough Prize
Added: 6 Sep 2019
The team behind the first ever image of a black hole has been awarded the 2020 Breakthrough Prize i…