Latest In Depth

Keeping it cool

Evoluted New Media | Added: 11 May 2010

Industrial cooling accounts for 7% of all electrical consumption in Western Europe and as the trend…

The answer is blowing in the wind

Evoluted New Media | Added: 6 May 2010

The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has been steadily increasing – but how can …

Extreme Earth - Earthquakes

Evoluted New Media | Added: 4 May 2010

Nature can be incredibly powerful and destructive; the recent earthquakes in Haiti and Chile have r…

Advancing accuracy in gas analysis

Evoluted New Media | Added: 29 Apr 2010

As environmental legislation continues to tighten, emissions testing and monitoring certainly doesn…

What makes a good vaccine?

Evoluted New Media | Added: 28 Apr 2010

To create an ideal vaccine, we need to carefully consider the history of this revolutionary medical…

A tale of continued success

Evoluted New Media | Added: 27 Apr 2010

What does the future hold for the UK laboratory technology supply market? Tim Collins thinks he kno…

Getting to the heart of cell signalling

Evoluted New Media | Added: 26 Apr 2010

EMBL scientists shed light on cellular communication systems involved in cell death and cancer

Don't be left out in the cold

Evoluted New Media | Added: 24 Apr 2010

We are giving a Laboratory News salute to all those things in the life of a scientist that are take…

Grasping the challenges of total testing

Evoluted New Media | Added: 23 Apr 2010

As the push for 100% testing of raw materials continues for the pharmaceutical industry we look at …

Cowboys in the lab

Evoluted New Media | Added: 22 Apr 2010

It was no secret in the Wild West that he who draws their pistol last draws quickest - but why is t…

Geology under the microscope

Evoluted New Media | Added: 20 Apr 2010

Geological specimens preserving clues to the history of the Earth are examined using temperature co…

Testing times ahead for decontamination solutions

Evoluted New Media | Added: 19 Apr 2010

Craig Yates discusses best practice when it comes to maintenance of safety showers and eyebaths in …

Handling the pressure?

Evoluted New Media | Added: 15 Apr 2010

Whether in life science, medical research departments or the analytical laboratory – environments w…

The importance of plasma screening

Evoluted New Media | Added: 8 Apr 2010

The haematology department at Musgrove Park Hospital have just bought their plasma viscosity equipm…

Getting to the heart of myocardial infarction

Evoluted New Media | Added: 7 Apr 2010

Dina Packham explains how high sensitivity and precision in the detection of cardiac troponin T is …

vCJD: A continuing threat

Evoluted New Media | Added: 6 Apr 2010

vCJD continues to be a real threat to public health as human to human transmission remains the easi…

The Science of Chocolate

Evoluted New Media | Added: 24 Mar 2010

With the news that Cadbury’s is to be taken over by US food giant Kraft, Laboratory News decided to…

Extreme Earth: Tornadoes

Evoluted New Media | Added: 23 Mar 2010

In equal parts savage and beautiful- the power of nature can be destructive and awe-inspiring.  Thr…

Two kings of chirality

Evoluted New Media | Added: 18 Mar 2010

The infamy of thalidomide brought home the importance of understanding the optical activity of drug…

Giving pathogens the cold shoulder

Evoluted New Media | Added: 18 Mar 2010

Protecting staff in the lab is of vital importance as they are exposed to dangerous chemicals and p…