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Game Theory: Ecosystem – Coral Reef
Like its namesake, Coral Reef is simple to appreciate but it’s challenging to master.

Extra-terrestrial invader downgraded to a truck
Ground vibrations picked up at a remote seismic station a decade ago and attributed to a meteor may have a more mundane origin, suggests new research.
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Innovations in geodetics for environmental research
From coastal landslide modelling to mapping geological hazards, monitoring active lava domes and biodiversity management, Lee Jones explains how drone-based and terrestrial LiDAR scanning has transfo…
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Game Theory: Ecosystem – Coral Reef
Like its namesake, Coral Reef is simple to appreciate but it’s challenging to master.

In his element
We spoke to astrobiologist Robert Hazen whose new book, Symphony in C, draws parallels between carbon and music to help explain why the element is so essential to understanding cosmic evolution...
…Focal Point

Chachani mountain
The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission snapped this image of the Chachani mountain in Peru. Standing at over 6000m, Chachani is the tallest of the mountains near the Peruvian city of Arequipa.