Latest In Depth

Time to reconcile science and philosophy
Added: 4 Nov 2019
Despite close historical ties, philosophy and science have had a bumpy relationship in the modern e…

Innovation and sustainability for your lab
Added: 14 Oct 2019
Source new technologies, future-proof your laboratory and find out ways to make procurement sustain…

Forensics in crisis?
Added: 2 Sep 2019
A drop in forensics R&D funding and no central body for forensics services is putting justice in je…

Reproducibility comes as standard (part 2)
Added: 5 Aug 2019
Science's reproducibility crisis is a big challenge and one that needs to be overcome quickly. In t…

Reproducibility comes as standard (part 1)
Added: 29 Jul 2019
Science's reproducibility crisis is a big challenge and one that needs to be overcome quickly. In t…

Putting your finger on it
Evoluted New Media | Added: 14 May 2019
Nanoparticles could well be the future of fingermark detection. Not only do they promise sensitivit…

All is not as it seems
Evoluted New Media | Added: 4 Dec 2017
Digital images are frequently used to provide supporting evidence within papers and reports, yet ar…

Consider the evidence…
Evoluted New Media | Added: 10 Apr 2017
Massive change, incredible innovation and a very special table – there is one sure-fire way to keep…

Building a case
Evoluted New Media | Added: 27 Aug 2015
The use of DNA in Forensic Science is widely acknowledged – but Forensic Science is a very broad fi…

A light touch to fighting crime
Evoluted New Media | Added: 21 Apr 2015
Exploring how the uptake of digital technologies in light microscopy is changing the face of forens…

Forensic Science – Whither Quality?
Evoluted New Media | Added: 20 Apr 2015
To find the best way forward in the new Forensic Science landscape, we must understand and address …

Unlocking innovation in austere times
Evoluted New Media | Added: 14 Apr 2015
In the current climate of tightening budgets and complex relationships between service providers an…

The print revolution
Evoluted New Media | Added: 2 Apr 2015
Nanoparticles could well be the future of fingermark detection. Not only do they promise sensitivit…

A new dawn for forensics
Evoluted New Media | Added: 16 Oct 2012
Partnership provides unique approach to forensic provision and police investigations !--more-- LG…

Against the evidence
Evoluted New Media | Added: 14 Jun 2011
Why the case for closing the Forensic Science Service just doesn’t add up

The purest of tasks…
Evoluted New Media | Added: 17 May 2011
Speciality gases are essential for research, development and quality control – Steve Harrison tells…

Forensic toxicology: Get inside the crime
Evoluted New Media | Added: 28 Nov 2010
Forensic toxicology has evolved greatly in recent years and today it plays a vital role in courts a…

Hair of the dog?
Evoluted New Media | Added: 23 Sep 2010
Most of us are familiar with the use of human DNA profiling to help identify evidence left at crime…

What does your hair say about you?
Evoluted New Media | Added: 14 Jul 2010
Did you know analysis of your hair can be used to track your geographical movements – In this the s…

Solving the mystery
Evoluted New Media | Added: 8 Jun 2010
You’ve seen it on CSI but just how is the case solved? Our new series on forensic analysis will let…