Evoluted New Media

Calling a halt on downtime
Evoluted New Media | Added: 16 Aug 2011
How can remote diagnostics – which have been used by aircraft manufacturers for years – help preven…

WiFi ready for the Lab?
Evoluted New Media | Added: 16 Aug 2011
The Internet lies at the heart of today’s social, educational and business worlds. The next logical…

There's big and then there's this...
Evoluted New Media | Added: 15 Aug 2011
Motivation. Unfortunately something the Science lite desk has but a passing acquaintance with, yet …

Proof is in the cow pat
Evoluted New Media | Added: 15 Aug 2011
Cows, sheep and other ruminants are thought to be responsible for a fifth of global methane product…

Megapixel PCR for faster diagnostics
Evoluted New Media | Added: 12 Aug 2011
A new ‘megapixel’ DNA measurement platform could revolutionise genetic diagnostics and screening pr…

Polypill to reduce heart disease
Evoluted New Media | Added: 11 Aug 2011
A four-in-one combination pill can halve the predicted risk of heart disease and stroke suggests re…

Supplying an analytical advantage
Evoluted New Media | Added: 11 Aug 2011
Potential environmental risk is something all manufacturers need to be aware of which has driven th…

Bringing ultrasound down to Earth
Evoluted New Media | Added: 10 Aug 2011
Space bound technology regularly makes its way into our daily lives – more often than not we don’t …

Gel implant to relieve back pain
Evoluted New Media | Added: 9 Aug 2011
A biomaterial implant developed at the University of Manchester could finally bring treatment for c…

Rudolph sees blue
Evoluted New Media | Added: 9 Aug 2011
In nearly all mammals, including humans, the cornea and lens block UV light from entering the eye, …

Slowing it down
Evoluted New Media | Added: 8 Aug 2011
For the first time, scientists in Glasgow have been able to drag light by slowing it down to the sp…

Reduced emissions from lab-grown meat
Evoluted New Media | Added: 5 Aug 2011
If you were told cultured meat – meat grown in the laboratory – could reduce greenhouse gas emissio…

Waste not, want not
Evoluted New Media | Added: 4 Aug 2011
The government’s aspiration for a ‘zero waste economy’ places increased pressure on waste producers…

Reducing weeds with ground beetles
Evoluted New Media | Added: 4 Aug 2011
Ground beetles could play an important role in ensuring future food security by munching on weed se…

Sunburn understood
Evoluted New Media | Added: 4 Aug 2011
A single electron could be the key to future drugs that repair sunburn say researchers who have wit…

Why plant ‘clones’ aren’t clones
Evoluted New Media | Added: 4 Aug 2011
Plant clones are not often identical to the donor plant – a fact that has puzzled researchers until…

Potato genome sequenced
Evoluted New Media | Added: 3 Aug 2011
With the global population expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, an international consortium have se…

Personalising radiotherapy
Evoluted New Media | Added: 2 Aug 2011
Scientists at the Institute of Cancer Research and the Royal Marsden Hospital pioneered intensity-m…

Looking to the left
Evoluted New Media | Added: 2 Aug 2011
Albert Einstein, John Dillinger and Laboratory News staff writer Kerry Taylor-Smith – an unusual bu…
Improving cancer care
Evoluted New Media | Added: 1 Aug 2011
Molecular diagnostics testing has the ability to predict in advance how patients will respond to a …