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‘Impossible’ method used to grow organic crystals

Evoluted New Media | Added: 18 Feb 2016

Organic crystals have been created by Russian scientists which can reduce the cost of creating ligh…

New power source trialled by scientists

Evoluted New Media | Added: 12 Jan 2016

A new power source combining solar power and hydrogen fuel is being trialled by US researchers.

Molecules that dominate bacterial secretion created

Evoluted New Media | Added: 23 Dec 2015

Chemists have created molecules that mimic and dominate toxic molecules secreted by bacteria.

Lightbulb moment for food waste

Evoluted New Media | Added: 28 Nov 2015

Chemists have found a way to create light emitting diodes – which can efficiently convert electrici…

DNA repair studies win Chemistry Nobel Prize

Evoluted New Media | Added: 7 Oct 2015

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Tomas Lindah…

Green slime opens the door to the past

Evoluted New Media | Added: 28 Sep 2015

Green slime at the bottom of an Antarctic lake replicates conditions that occurred on Earth 2.8-2.4…

Solar energy storage taken to next level

Evoluted New Media | Added: 30 Jul 2015

Chemists at UCLA have developed technology that can store solar energy for up to several weeks rath…

Ultracold molecules hint at quantum behaviour

Evoluted New Media | Added: 30 Jun 2015

By achieving the lowest temperature ever recorded, scientists have managed to create ultracold mole…

Seeing real time bond formation

Evoluted New Media | Added: 25 Mar 2015

Researchers have visualised real time bond formation in an entire chemical reaction.!--more--


New molecule to slow Parkinson’s

Evoluted New Media | Added: 23 Mar 2015

Scientists have designed a peptide that can slow down brain cell damage associated with Parkinson d…

Chemical reactions in a trillionth of a second

Evoluted New Media | Added: 13 Mar 2015

Scientists have developed a method that allows observation of chemical reactions on a trillionth of…

Nobel round-up

Evoluted New Media | Added: 8 Oct 2014

In case you missed them, here is Laboratory News’ round-up of who won what in this year’s Nobel Pri…

Chemistry Prize for microscopy technique

Evoluted New Media | Added: 8 Oct 2014

After a short delay, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chem…

Star-shaped molecule created after 25 year effort

Evoluted New Media | Added: 2 Oct 2014

A complex star-shaped molecule of interlocking rings has been created at the University of Manchest…

Superheavy element pairing probes Einstein’s relativity

Evoluted New Media | Added: 30 Sep 2014

Chemists probing the predictive power of trends in the Periodic Table have successfully established…

Splitting water based on nuclear spin

Evoluted New Media | Added: 19 Sep 2014

Separation of water based on the nuclear spin of individual molecules has been made possible thanks…

Snapshot of photosynthesis reveals process

Evoluted New Media | Added: 22 Jul 2014

Femtosecond snapshots of photosynthetic water oxidation have enabled researchers to understand how …

DNA replication fork visualised

Evoluted New Media | Added: 18 Jul 2014

An American team have built the first model to decipher what goes on at the ‘replication fork’ duri…

Chemical sensor on a chip

Evoluted New Media | Added: 19 Jun 2014

Infrared laser beams are ideal for analysing liquids and gases, and scientists in Vienna have minia…

Celebrating Great British Science

Evoluted New Media | Added: 3 Jun 2014

Frank James, Professor of the History of Science at the Royal Institution, has nominated Faraday’s …