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Martian valleys carved by less ancient water
Evoluted New Media | Added: 9 Dec 2015
Martian valleys could have been carved by much less water in a much shorter time span than previous…

New record set at CERN
Evoluted New Media | Added: 1 Dec 2015
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has achieved collisions between lead nuclei at the highest levels s…

2016 Breakthrough Prizes announced
Evoluted New Media | Added: 1 Dec 2015
The winners of the 2016 Breakthrough Prizes – worth $22 million in total (£15 million) – in life sc…

Attractive forces unlikely to be source of matter – antimatter difference
Evoluted New Media | Added: 23 Nov 2015
The attractive force between antiprotons – the antiparticle of proton – has been measured for the …

Mathematicians weigh in on stellar mass
Evoluted New Media | Added: 4 Nov 2015
Mathematicians have developed a new method for measuring the mass of pulsars.!--more--
Scientists …

LHC produces ‘littlest liquid’
Evoluted New Media | Added: 13 Oct 2015
Quark-gluon plasma – a state of matter thought to have existed right at the birth of the Universe –…

Stellar mosaic shows close relation with our galactic neighbour
Evoluted New Media | Added: 8 Oct 2015
Astronomers have found similarities between new-born stars in our galaxy and a neighbouring one.

Neutrino oscillations discovery wins Noble Prize
Evoluted New Media | Added: 6 Oct 2015
Takaaki Kajita and Arthur McDonald's discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrino …

What’s the next step for Mars exploration?
Evoluted New Media | Added: 29 Sep 2015
Following yesterday’s announcement linking dark streaks on the surface of Mars with liquid water, s…

Dark matter distribution mapped
Evoluted New Media | Added: 24 Sep 2015
New images reveal the amount of dark matter in the Universe and its distribution in distant galaxie…

Highest-energy neutrino ever detected
Evoluted New Media | Added: 27 Aug 2015
Physicists at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, located at the South Pole, have measured the hig…

Planetary rings resolve maths mystery
Evoluted New Media | Added: 24 Aug 2015
Scientists have discovered that planetary rings such as those orbiting Saturn have a universally si…

Universal gravity constant confirmed
Evoluted New Media | Added: 14 Aug 2015
After a decades-long study of a distant pulsar – pulsating radio star – physicists say they have co…

Kepler mission discovers an Earth-like planet
Evoluted New Media | Added: 27 Jul 2015
NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope has confirmed the first near-Earth-sized planet orbiting another star…

Nanoscale forces solve puddle problem
Evoluted New Media | Added: 23 Jul 2015
Scientists have discovered that the forces responsible for stopping a liquid from spreading on a so…

World’s oldest scientific prize awarded to Peter Higgs
Evoluted New Media | Added: 20 Jul 2015
The Royal Society’s Copley Medal – the world’s oldest scientific prize – has been awarded to Profes…

Big leap into Neptune’s magnetic field
Evoluted New Media | Added: 17 Jul 2015
By combining 26-year old data with supercomputer simulations, scientists have modelled Neptune’s ma…

Pluto’s ice secrets revealed
Evoluted New Media | Added: 16 Jul 2015
Images from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft have revealed an abundance of methane ice on Pluto.!--mo…

NASA’s probe reaches Pluto
Evoluted New Media | Added: 15 Jul 2015
After more than nine years and a 3 billion mile journey, NASA’s New Horizon mission spacecraft has …

New particle discovered at the LHC
Evoluted New Media | Added: 15 Jul 2015
Physicists at CERN have discovered a new class of particles known as pentaquarks.!--more--
A resea…